Beat Doctor

Really, AV Club? A fictional presidential poll that doesn't include Bill Pullman's President Thomas Whitmore from 'Independence Day'? REALLY? #writeincampaign

No, but you can clearly see his eyes and the fact that he has nasty, pasty-white skin.

It's not trying to humanize him, it's showing that he has just as many problems complicating his life as everyone else. He might wander around Winterfell flayin'n'shit, but his whole future might also be in jeopady if Fat Walda has a boy.

I suspect she'll do something soon enough to remind him what a horrible-awful-no-good person she is.

I'm going to try and work up the desire to continue hate-watching 'The Strain,' but I'm not sure I can muster it again.

[SPOILER? Not really sure] I saw some tinfoil video on YouTube which posits that the Others are actually an offshoot of the Children of the Forest, who traded their humanity for a chance to get their world back. Or something like that.

If it weren't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college.

Is that what happens when two dragons cross their fire streams?

The Nat'l Council on Sexual Exploitation held a press conference this morning specifically to denounce this show. I find it odd that they're cool with all of the wanton violence and murdering and spears through the back of the face, but sexual violence is somehow a bridge too far. I get that sexual exploitation is the

I think Roose thinks he's shrewd enough to become the new King in the North if he can keep hold of Sansa (even if he doesn't specifically use the title), particularly with Tywin dead. He knows the strategic advantage that living in the North holds, and probably figures with winter on the way, he'll be able to marshal

I think in the books they just say he never removes his helmet. Definitely doesn't mention anything about him having skin like a bloated drowning victim or having the Bob-Costas-Level Pinkeye.

That would certainly fit into the "S6 is all about the ladies" lines that have cropped up here and there in promotional interviews.

I was actually thinking of going out on a shaky limb in the opposite direction — what happens when you do one of the five greatest things ever and kill a Khal? (I'm legitimately asking; don't remember from the books) Presumably you become Khal (do you have to be Dothraki, though?). I feel like maybe as his last heroic

2. Headstabbing Sand Snake wasn't on the dock. Whip-Wielding Sand Snake was, though. I guess she's a really good swimmer…?

She can be nobody to the Dothraki who, when it comes right down to it, don't really give a f*** about you if you can't ride a horse or can't fight.

Maybe it's just the editor in me, but shouldn't this headline be "Why does Hollywood keep EXCLUDING women's faces from posters?" The football player who's turned ass-to-the-front didn't have her face deleted. It's just not included.


Not to mention his role resulted in one of my favorite Deadspin headlines, "Magic-dicked Podrick Payne is the real hero of 'Game of Thrones.'"

If they can turn Mike Myers into Fat Bastard, they can give Goodman his gut back.

"Tonight, my lads…. we shall dine on… RUM-HAM!"