Beat Doctor

That's my main problem with the Jackson 5 version as well. I'm okay with veering off the traditional melody a little, but there are also a couple times where the lyrics lag behind the beat (this actually seems to be a frequent issue with Christmas tunes), which always irks me.

Gawddamn this season is awful.

…because Bear Grylls is too busy indulging his pee-drinking fetish?

"……do you need assistance?"

My son turned 3 this fall, and has pretty much left Sodor behind for the world of YouTube train videos. Mostly I find myself asking, "Diesel or steamie this time, bud?"

Hispanic Lara Croft. Love it.

I thought Rosita was ex-Army just like Abraham. She should be able to take that shot.

I think the (very) brief shot of a can rolling along the ground was meant to show that Enid distracted them/moved 'em away from the dumpster.

I remember thinking during one scene, "Rick's neck is getting thicker."

I'm glad you mentioned that. I completely forgot and all I could think of was, "Wow, my helium balloons didn't last much longer than a week or so."

Agree wholeheartedly about the wounds/contact. I don't care WHICH type of zombie fluid infects you…. Deanna got some of that shit in her mouth.

I have a follow-up question: why was Maggie leading the way through a sewer she'd never been in before? Especially after Aaron cracked his skull… "Just lead the way, would you?" HOW? SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHERE THH *$&^! TO GO.

I also feel like I missed something with the ending scene — was there any significance to that piece of the fence Deanna walked past, or was it just a way to get her out of frame and end the episode…?

Don't feel bad, Zack. I was watching Denise for a solid five minutes before I suddenly exclaimed (and scared the shit out of my wife in doing so) "HEY THAT'S PRISSY CATLOWE FROM SEASON 2 OF 'THE WIRE'!!"

Word up. I found S2 of The Strain about as satisfying as Holden found the family pooch.

Pit of hands was definitely creepier than the Fire Gang. "SHEEE CHOSE DOWWWWWWN!"

I'm gonna go with that. The name, the bo staff, the "Save Tarrapins" shirt he was wearing for part of the time. TMNT fans, fo' sho'.

It's a nice narrative bow to tie, but didn't those two kids look a little unseasoned to be a couple years into the zombie apocalypse? No weapons, half a crutch… they felt like an awfully unlikely encounter.

It's such a recurring theme that a dude even mentioned it on the season finale of the PREQUEL! haha

OH SHIT I never should've clicked on that link. Flashback nightmares!