Beat Doctor

One thing I DEFINITELY did not notice in "Last Unicorn"… the harpy is definitely just a vulture with titties.

I must be the lone exception to this: I never found that scene creepy, even as a kid.

The other thing is that gasoline degrades fairly rapidly if it's just sitting around. Anyone who's left a can of lawnmower gasoline in their garage a little too long knows: if you don't put some sort of fuel stabilizer in it, it'll become useless. Even with a good stabilizer, stored gasoline has about a 2-year shelf

"Tinnitus Dude." Love it.

I think it's probably 100% random, the same way a cold or flu virus affects different people in different ways. Shane turned lightning fast in S2, but last night, a year-plus into the ZA, we wandered around for hours with Recently Re-Married Guy while he slowly succumbed to the virus before being killed.

Better known as attorney Danielle Melnick from the original "Law & Order."

AHS usually starts strong before tailing off around the Ep. 6 mark. This is a bad start. I was too busy counting the residual echoes of other, better horror fare to be creeped out or frightened by much of it.

Once you get a group on fire, they're gonna wander around and blaze up the rest.

THANK YOU. Throw two cans of gasoline at opposite ends of the pit, have Daryl shoot a flaming arrow… it was so crowded in there, and the fire would burn so hot, there's be nothing but bones left.

Many, many bits.

"Turning time" is kind of a point of contention for me on this show. It seems that people turn whenever it's most convenient to the plot. Some folks take a while, but shit, Shane turned in about a half-minute in S2.

If the fire burns hot enough and there's nothing left but bones, that's not dangerous.

Maybe. Deanna's kid doesn't seem to be exactly a crack shot.

They must represent a different sort of threat. Curious to find out what.

Why was Plan A for the Zombie Quarry not sling two cans of gasoline into the pit and have Daryl send in two flaming arrows? Two large groups of zombies wandering around on fire catches the whole pit, the heat burns hot enough to leave nothing but charred bones, the truck falls in and we get one of those patented

I thought it was as well; driver was killed in the crash and turned after the attack got started.

At least one other Wolf was doing it. Just blending in.


Word up. Morgan and Dark Carol took out the whole group. I don't have a lot of respect for the Wolves' battle game right now.

Except for Deanna's kid and Ron's mom, no Alexandrians offed anyone. I did think for second that Morgan was in Ron's mom's house, and she was gonna pop out for another shave and a haircut.