Beat Doctor

I wonder if the zombie siege is going to happen at this point. In real show time, that horn was only blowing for about a minute. Like literally, the second the credits started rolling last week, the horn would've stopped. The back half of the Zombie Parade may just get distracted and scatter, which would keep a nice

This new setting makes it tough to tell whose house people are in. I thought Morgan was exploring Ron's Mom's house. I was expecting one of them to accidentally kill the other. Also, Deanna's kid put in a little bit of work, but really, Carol and Morgan put down this whole band of marauding Wolves by themselves. I

I completely forgot last night was the season finale. That's about how memorable this season has been.

I'm about as late as you can be to this party, but if anyone happens to be able to shed light on this without spoiling anything, I wasn't sure what to make of the Governor's comment to Merle that, re: Rick & the Gang taking over the prison with 10-12 people, "If that's true, they did something you told me wasn't

I'm about as late as you can be to this party, but if anyone happens to be able to shed light on this without spoiling anything, I wasn't sure what to make of the Governor's comment to Merle that, re: Rick & the Gang taking over the prison with 10-12 people, "If that's true, they did something you told me wasn't

The flashbacks added literally nothing to this episode. Sean Astin must have spent up all that 'Lord of the Rings' money.


Coco's not a vampire, any more than Palmer is. They got a little bit of finger juice, that's all. So far there's been literally no indication the juice does anything but restore life.

Chicken curry for Gus, possibly an actual Indian for Quinlan…? I'm actually looking forward to being conflicted about Quinlan's "hero" status. I mean, the guy does need to eat, right?

But even Connery ain't got that Palmer munaaaaaaay!

Kyle Fowle, I can practically SMELL how badly you want to like this show. But I didn't feel any of the aforementioned urgency. Did anyone NOT think they were going to get the substation back up and running? As soon as I saw how many strigoi were ready to attack, my first thought was, "Well, they're definitely going to

It's so ridiculous it's not even worth addressing, buuuuut: Setrakian orders Fet to dynamite the building and bring it down. And he doesn't make any attempt to escape. Then, Fet somehow manages to blow a hole in the floor DIRECTLY ABOVE A LOCATION WHERE HE COULD NOT POSSIBLY HAVE KNOWN THE MASTER TO BE. So he fails at

"Belly 2: Ox's Revenge."

He'll be a show-only brothel owner named Swedgen. Takes over Littlefinger's dens with his sellswords Doritus and Jhonny.

"Hey, me too." - Ser Loras.

No gawddamn unauthorized cinnamon.

I'm not sure I've ever laughed harder than watching the S1 outtake of Dennis reading Charlie's political speech. "….and so do."

Littlefinger channeling Sick Boy from 'Trainspotting'…. and Dame Diana Rigg: mad yay back in the day.

I've always thought of it as a raunchy "Seinfeld." And really, it's even MORE about nothing that "Seinfeld" was.

"CAT IN THE WALL, HUUUUUHHHH?" — Maybe among the top five sitcom lines ever.