Beat Doctor

In other words, the Arthurian legend from the point-of-view of a confused kid who happens to be Arthur?

Yay. I can't wait for Hollywood to completely fuck up yet another fondly-remembered facet of my childhood.

A dog that sulks.

NOOOOOOOOO! NOT CHEESY, BAD MAKE-UP YOUNGER SETRAKIAN AGAIN!! Seriously, is it impossible to find a 45-year-old man who looks like David Bradley? These scenes aren't exactly asking a great deal from middle-aged Setrakian.

Yeah, the body suit on the Master's former body was shitty to the max. Honestly, except for their faces, the Ancient's costumes weren't much better.

I thought it kinda looked like 'Diet Game of Thrones.'


I was way late to the party for S1 (like, two months ago late), so maybe it's just all the hype and acclaim surrounding the first one that drew me in so closely — but S2 just doesn't seem to be doing that. I mean, I didn't fall asleep two nights in a row trying to finish it, like S2E2, but that's not exactly a ringing

I didn't say it's never happened. Bro vs. bro is a well-worn trope, is my point. Father vs. daughter is not.

Just saying, brother vs. brother is a pretty well-worn trope, unlike father vs. daughter.

I turned to my wife and said, "That's uh, Dye-Beard Kingsguard. Y'know, the guy who ripped Sansa's dress…. right?"

Syrio Truthers unite. #nottoday

Count me in that group. I mean let's be honest, Tywin is a scheming summummabitch, but that describes 85 percent of the characters. In reality he's probably the second-most-likeable Lannister behind Tyrion. He's not banging his twin sibling (or his cousin). Among the four main Lannisters, that bumps him to at least

Hiz Derp the Lorax, I believe. House Whatshisface.

Touché, good sir. Yet another reason for me to read the books.

If they can't remember "the fencing teacher"'s name, well, the hill only gets harder to climb from there.

I read his face a bit differently. To me, he had the look you both described when Drogon flew over the canoe in Valyria. The look at the end of Ep. 9 was a blend of awe, terror and misgiving, more along the lines of, "I think I'm on the right team, but the right team is fixin' to roast a whole lot of my countrymen

What would've been REALLY badass is if Stannis had gone, "You know what you crazy red bitch, I've had about enough of you," and tied HER to the pyre.


Brothers killing brothers has been around for a good long time. Fathers killing daughters? Not really so much.