Beat Doctor

Something terrible happening to Shireen has been telegraphed for like a season-and-a-half now, but I was really hoping it would crest with another unexpected moment, where Stannis has finally just had it with Melisandre. 'Cause you know what would've really looked good? Melisandre on that pyre. THAT would give

"For the night is dark, and full of terrors. Mostly me. I seem to be causing the majority of the terror around here." — Melisandre

He definitely refers to it as the Red God more than once while talking with Arya. 100%.

THAT…. would be fantastic.

I'm wondering if Jaq'en even cares whether or not she's lying. As he mentioned, "It is all the same to the Red God," and that was the extent of his feelings about the girl he's spent the whole season training. It seems to be that as long as SOMEONE is getting killed, the Red God is good to go.

When Stannis was talking with Shireen, I spent about two straight minutes just repeating, "No no no, you're not gonna do this." Afterward, I was straight Aerys II, just rocking in my Naugahyde Throne repeating "Burn them all…"

After this season, I'd like to see Drogon flash-fry everything from Winterfell to Wherever-Stannis-Is-At.

The reviewer's take on it seemed to be that the hand-holding/eye-closing was Dany accepting that this shit is about to go real bad, and her reign might be over before it starts. Like you, though, I was really hoping that Dany's eyes would pop open and be all milky white. THAT would have been fantastic.

Is that like "Homie-Lover-Friend" from the '12 Play' album?

One canoe on each foot and a tree trunk for an oar.

Agree. I can see the Sons having an advantage in the stands, where the Unsullied were essentially acting as the Guys in the Yellow Coats at baseball games and concerts and it was just one big melee, but once they were in the relatively open field of the arena, the Unsullied should have gained the upper hand easily.

In fairness, until they put the masks on, don't they look like every other person in the arena?

I kind of like that despite them breathing fire, they're otherwise just big lizards. This isn't the jewel-encrusted, Kevlar-scaled dragon from "The Hobbit." It's just a really big, really dangerous animal. That seems to fit pretty well with the overarching theme of "GoT," brought to us by Cupbearer Arya: "Anyone can

When you don't know "consent" from "consensus," we kinda gotta knock your argument down a peg or two there, buddy.

Soooo I guess you have to touch the actual greyscale area itself to be infected? Because Jorah totally led Dany by the hand off the dais in the fighting pits.

Only if his little birds know where to find him. Presumably after helping the Hand's murderer escape, Varys doesn't want to be found by ANYONE.

Not that complicated. She's going to try to assassinate the Thin Man as her first job for the Faceless God. It's going to go well, or it's not. What it denotes to me is Arya's first foray into murder that wasn't inspired by some wrong done to her or her family. She's completing the journey from tomboy of House Stark

+1 for the Deadwood handle.

If the cells in the Sept are like almost everywhere else in Westeros, someone's spy is listening. Qyburn only cryptically remarks that "The work continues," which implies that whatever the plan is for Frankenmountain, it was hatched prior to Cersei's imprisonment. I find myself wondering why Cersei wanted so badly to

That makes sense. It sure seemed like everyone, Wildlings and wights alike, got back up at the end of the episode. And like you said, that would account for the wights lumbering around with half a jaw, or the wight kid with no skin.