+1 gentle rapping at my chamber door
+1 gentle rapping at my chamber door
Quoth the Raven, nevermore.
I don’t know man, that’s a pretty literate reference. I think JaVale wins that round handily.
I’d say the escalation of that response was Trumpian except that it evinced a degree of knowledge and historical context.
Southern style boiled peanuts, no contest, fight me.
Usually unwise to pick up so many discarded Trojans.
I was waiting for this stupidity to pop up, and I’m glad you obliged. There is a vast difference between laying a hit on someone, which is what you expect when you walk on the field, and having an item of personal property destroyed because Dickhead McShitbrains decided to act like a douche.
They know this type of defense well up in State College.
We won’t know what really happened until Diana Moskovitz’s article.
Her eyes are shut in like all these pictures. Maybe if she had her eyes open more, she would have done better.
the no-account Russians illegally dislodged their own net with under two minutes to play
I mean, I feel bad for her, because this bible had blank spots in it for notes, so why is it bad that she highlighted things. This reminds me of the most confusing aspect of my recent Byzantine history class, which was all the heresies. I’m a Jew. Jews generally don’t kick other Jews out of the faith unless you REALLY…
Exactly. Like, yeah, I know I pay nearly four figures to live in a converted dining room...
“Transport the basketball”? Someone’s been reading The Book of Basketball Rings by Ted Cruz.
you know what other carpenter sparked a bunch of commotion in late december?
I thought blankets killed the indians?
Without looking, I KNOW Yasiel Puig is on that list.
Ugeth Urbina needs to be listed...he’s also clearly a horrible villain so he’d fit in the Star Wars Universe.
Big deal. The LAPD gets in kicks after the siren several times a week.