Catalan name! “God Made Him”
Catalan name! “God Made Him”
That was a beautifully executed flop. If the ref is anywhere but in exactly the right place, Deulofeu at very least gets away without a yellow card, and has a good shot at getting the foul.
Oh, from the headline, I thought that he’d legally adopted Avril and paid his tuition at an exclusive Christian high school.
Since it technically happened less than a year ago and it fell into that weird dead zone where it was after the 2014 best ofs came out and before 2015 started, let me put in a word for the Popeye’s Bahamas Bowl.
Blasphemy: all of Jessica Jones was awesome.
Your answer is informative, helpful, and non-judgmental. I hate it and I hate you, too.
Nice to see that Abe Zapruder got back into filmmaking.
Counterpoint: continue outsourcing our tales of woe (it’s always woe) because they are nearly always interesting reads.
Major League Baseball has had ONE fucking rule that gets a person banned for life. It’s posted on the entrance to every clubhouse and has been for roughly 100 years now: A) Don’t bet on baseball. B) Don’t get too cozy with gamblers.
Ironically, I won a bet on this decision.
US Navy: Well look at this. It appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
I’m looking forward to this matchup in the second or third round of the playoffs.
Hey, as someone who follows the league, just thought I’d give a bit of background here.
What is it like to be shit?
Well, having refereed hockey games with former NHL players there watching their kids, I can tell you that having those kind of famous guys in the stands changes the dynamic. Other parents, maybe feeling star-struck or maybe just feeling emboldened, take cues from the retired player: if the NHL guy is calm, they’re…
He’s certainly in the right line of work, because I definitely want to see that dude get punched in the face.
Sage Northcutt sounds like a brand of bacon or chewing tobacco.
Talk about a good Oman.
Very disappointed in you, Burneko. I mean, subtle plagiarism is one thing, but lifting your title straight from the Ford Field home locker room walls?