
This makes me happy. I’m an older, straight white male and it really just feels like media is taking the right steps to accurately depict how diverse our society really is. The gays, women, and ethnic groups were always there angry people! We have a long way to go but it’s a decent step.

That's a really wonderful song. Even though I don't speak any Korean, I enjoy these videos. Thanks.

I always felt that adventure games were the perfect genre to get people with less/no experience in playing to start gaming. Especially those that love a good story like a book or movie. Then they get a feel what interactive entertainment can do and the ball keeps rolling. I’m helping my wife now with her second play

This is heart breaking. I love Telltales brand of story telling. These games have been the bridge that got my wife into gaming, and to this day we only play them together. They were truly experiences to be cherished. The game industry is suffering a big loss today. I really hope that all the talented individuals that

I still love "Never Been" by Wiz Kalifa. Sampling Crono Trigger, it still is an amazing song.

Ohhh the comments on this one. Who gives a shit what controller was shown? It just highlights that we here in the states have massive gun access problem.

Yeah, it’s pretty amazing here. I grew up in southern Oregon. After my wife and I had our son we moved to Portland. I’m always appreciative of what this state has to offer. Plus the Blazers, legal weed, the Unipiper and an awesome cat rapper. Love it here.

Getting sucked back into Overwatch after a 2 month break. FLOOR KIDS! I LOVE this game. Rhythm, art, it’s scratching that “need a play session thats only a few minutes long” itch. Also trying to wrap up Battle Chasers. It’s up there with my favorite RPG of the year next to Cosmic Star Heroine.

I am finally going to dive into Undertale on the ps4, see if it lives up to the hype. Some Splatoon 2 will most likely be played by my wife and I as well

Reminds me of when cel-shading was all the rage.

A new F-Zero game for the Switch would be great. While were wishing, an HD remaster of Panzer Dragoon Saga and Killer 7!

I started a race with Baby Mario, by the time I crossed the finish line he had grown into Mario.

Dear Republicans,

Office Space FTW. Stars for life!

Thank you, my fellow americans who have hope. Thank you to those who see the value in choice, not in privilege. Thank you for giving me a glimmer of hope, being a new father if a young boy who is 10 months old I truly am frightened of what could be. People like you make it tolerable, and somewhat hopeful. Thank you.

I have finally started to find balance in being a new dad AND a gamer. I have finally worked in a few small blocks of time into our weekend schedule so I can try and finish Final Fantasy 15 and if I can manage it, finally beat Axiom Verge.

This topic highlights my concerns with games as a service. I hate to think that a great game like Splatoon can’t be enjoyed 15 years from now. I know that the solutions aren’t easy but I hope we can find a way to preserve and enjoy great games down the road.

Hillary Clinton could take a shit on the stage, draw a smiley face on it, add googly eyes and name it Poopy McTurdsmell, and IT would be more qualified to run for president.

As a young teenager I explored the internet as only a sexually inexperienced boy would, extreme pornography.

Donald Trump is not real. He’s a rejected orange clown from a scrapped GTA scenario. The Matrix might have something to do with it. I’m having a hard time rationalizing his legitimacy as a candidate. Terminators and Skynet could be invoked? Bill and Ted even?