
Donald Trump is not real. He’s a GTA character that somehow met Keanu Reeves in the Matrix and bumped into Anne Coulter on the way.

Easy, but a star deserved!

My wife and I have been together for 3 years. She wasn’t a gamer when we met, but has since completed a few games like Telltales Walking Dead series. She has a serious interest in the subject matter of games like the Witcher 3 but feels like controlling a game like that on her own is overwhelming. Any suggestions that

Baldurs Gate. I spent so much time on that game in high school I still could give you backstory on every character.

I absolutely love my Wii U. Some of my fondest gaming experiences of this current generation I experienced on the horribly underutilized console. I really hope Nintendo learns to court third party developers better and be more attentive to their I.P. like Metroid. Please know that we love you Nintendo. We WANT to

Which console games would you consider hidden gems for 2016?

I’m a straight, white, middle aged father. GAY STEAM THE F*** UP! Keep doing what your doing. You have my support!

Happy Fathers Day Mike! It is my first Fathers Day. My son Oliver is 12 weeks old now!

It’s just called Mother 4. It’s been slow going but it’s coming along quite nicely.

This is pretty damn good music.

James Mielke will always be my favorite games journalist of all time. I had the pleasure to meet him and he was incredibly nice. Guy deserves props!

He just put out a record a year ago I believe.

I’ve got some insight. Fuck them right in the ass! Dry and aggressive.

I think it’s great that the game is getting so much attention, it’s well deserved. That said, it REALLY screwed up my bracket!

Remember Noober from Baldurs Gate? This brought back memories of that lovable, annoying shit. “Heya”.

I played this at Pax Prime. One of the gentleman from the dev team was there and was really cool about showing me the mechanics and features. I was impressed. This will be a day one purchase for me.

So the pic is a bit wonky. My wife got me this for my birthday. Its awesome and looks great!

Man, this guy is still so divisive among basketball fans. He was fun to watch, and whether you like him or not he has game. More than any of us.

This is like feeling something familiar in your stomach. Instead of darting, you shit your pants. Mistakes happen. Clean it up and move on.

I tried a few Demos at PAX Prime at I thought it was quite a bit of fun! Unless the price point is right, I’m not sure how propular it’s going to be though.