
Rest in peace Mr. Iwata. Through thick and thin you were a face that I associated with Nintendo for a long time. Your work is greatly appreciated and I hope your family and friends find solace in the fact that lowly consumers like myself found great joy and happiness from your endeavours. Thank you!

I think this was a smart move. It’s really rad, yes rad, to see a publisher to give the go ahead on a decision that stays true to the developers vision even though it might cost a bit more money to do so.

I love the idea of a game I enjoy being supported after its release. His attitude toward DLC is what I would want from developers. I want my favorite companies to succeed so that I can enjoy their products for years to come, this is a business and they do need to stay profitable.

My last pre-order was for Child of Light on PS3. It came with some DLC as a bonus. When the time came to download the game, I was only able to download the DLC. Two days of this, three calls to customer service, and a chat session finally led to a resolution and I was able to play. It really soured my experience with

Sickest shit of 2015, hands down!

Both parties involved have valid points. In the end though, if your taking money for a game your open to criticism. Taking shots at an unfinished game is a bit harsh, and it should be noted to anyone watching that it is a game in active development. I think anyone opting to utilize Greenlight shouldn't bitch too much

I bought a 1986 Honda CRX 4 months ago. 176,000 miles, original owner, just minor problems like hatch hydrolics broken, shitty stereo. I love it.

I'm completely agree with your line of thinking. While this is not a game I would purchase, the censorship is ridiculous. Censorship as a whole in the entertainment industry here on our side of the pond has always been either a device for politicians, or to enforce a narrow minded opinion of what is acceptable for

Good to see the whole team together. You were my refuge when 1up shut down, and now my daily gaming read. Thank you gentleman and ladies for your fine work.

I've been called a hipster AND I happen to like Mountain Dew and Doritos..........KERSPLOSION!

I always thought there would be great potential for a game based on The Princess Bride. Of course we get this slop, because yeah. Thanks Obama!

I am even more appreciative of being an Oregon resident now. Blazers FTW!

Good for you BioWare. I'm proud to say that I actively support your products, and this makes me happy to continue to do so.

I have been playing Persona Q mostly. I have dipped into Radiant Historia because I finally found a copy. Okami HD and Hitman HD trilogy are calling my name.

Seagull Simulator coming 2015. Projected GOTY.

It is impressive work. I would love to see more characters get the same treatment.

Great stream! 3D World was such a fun and polished game, and it surprised me that my favorite moments were the Captain Toad levels. It has been a while since I was this excited for a new Nintendo title that felt fresh. Keep up the good coverage.

Damn Florida, your on a roll. I imagine living in Florida is similar to shitting your pants and having to sit through a christian rock concert...........AND THERE IS NO MORE PANTS, EVER!

Chrono Cross is a game I revisit every year. Final Fantasy 6-9 and a lot of Shin Megami Tensei games make the rotation as well. Usually during thhe summer when the release calendar is a bit bare.

I feel like I have an MC on my shoulder, gliding amongst the dead leaves of fall. Great song!