The Bean Countess

Agreed, I really wish I could get my SO over the plaid boxers. It fits with his lumberjack aesthetic I guess, but I vastly prefer boxer briefs. Boxers are for teens and frats boys.

that’s what i’m thinking too, its a movie shitting all over a group of people that all happen to be white men, technically this is the most progressive film released in all of 2015. I can’t think of another well liked film that year that basically goes “You white men are fucking horrible and deserve to all by in

What do you guys want? Do you want quotas? Do you want rigidly enforced diversity?

You’re afraid of being insulted. She is afraid of being killed. Yes, it sucks to be mistaken for a rapist - especially when you’re doing nothing but innocently going back to your hotel room. But she’s not doing anything wrong either, and she has every reason to be afraid of you - because the homicidal maniacs look

“Fuck you. I have as much a right to go to my room as she does. Which is what happened as soon as she realized she was being crazy.”

This is what I was going to say before he went on his “fuck you all because my feelings were hurt” replies.

Once again, a man’s hurt feelings outrank a woman’s life.

You were upset about how this woman viewed you and think it needs to change because it’s unfair. Women are actually physically afraid, and are often even physically or verbally attacked, through interactions that start similar to yours. We can’t all just be skipping around pretending we’re not scared when we are. We

That’s kind of what women have been asking for this whole time (read: all of human history), and exactly why women are fearful in the first place. Because, in the ways that matter on a societal level, we don’t get seen as or treated like we’re actually equal humans to men. It’s nice if you treat women differently on

Then you need to talk to other men about gender-based violence and work towards deconstructing the culture of toxic masculinity that enables such violence, not blame women for responding in legitimate ways based on their lived experience of that violence.

Let’s bring it all back to the men and their feels. We are so, like, totally not helpful to men when we are scared so we should like, stop being scared because it hurts mens’ feelings, yall. Seriously. Poor men.

Yeah, based on his responses to other people I’m doubting he’s a “nice guy”. It’s all our fault, you see, because making him FEEL BAD is just as important as us not getting raped and killed.

Oh, I see now. You’re a sadpants troll who got his feefees hurt because some lady wasn’t thrilled about you walking behind her for blocks. Gotcha.

Ah, I see all of the comments from this post have really sunk in.

Oh my GOD. You are literally commenting on an article about a woman being shot for standing up for herself to say that the idea of a woman being shot for standing up for herself is “insane”. Just stop fucking talking. If there is a time and place for your narcissistic rants about how unfair it is that women treat you

Yes, let’s please make this about you and how it hurts your feelings when women are understandably afraid of men.

Well....that escalated quickly. Not so sure you’re actually “one of the good ones” if you can go from “my feelings are hurt” to “fuck you she was crazy” in .02 seconds, honestly.

You know, in an article that is literally about a woman being shot dead by a stranger for nothing more than declining his unwanted sexual attentions, complaining about how you don’t like it when someone gives you dirty looks might be a little insensitive.

Well, she wasn’t talking about black people. She was talking about gender inequality. And she prefaced it by admitting she’s lucky so it’s awkward for her to discuss it.

It’s really disheartening when you expect some kind of depth and thoughtfulness out of a person for unknown reasons and are then given bullshit. The same bullshit that you are always given. She’s not smarter than any of the other privileged, white women out there just because she’s dark and moody. She’s just ignorant