Titanius Anglesmith

So many questions. First and foremost:

Are you really allowed to call Americans 'infidels' when you've got iTunes playing in your pocket?

If you crapped your pants then, wait until you watch the second video.

Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude.

As a former resident of Chicago, I can say that most of them aren't getting out of bed today because it's a Wednesday in February. When you've not seen the sun since mid-November, your will to live dies.

I know Aston has had better times financially, but you'd think they could at least afford to put a top on the steering wheel.

Lotta canned sounds there...

The guy running the soundboard was probably punching the buttons like playing a "Bop-It!":

*low V8 rpm*

Is getting out of a lease after a year really that different than getting out of a 5yr loan? You're still going to get hosed on depreciation.

You are expending energy to move yourself relative to the surface. Doesn't matter whether or why the surface is moving.

And that's what's annoying about this car. Its qualities aren't something you can discern from a stats sheet, or from any other quantitative kind of view. The car comes across on the Internet as overpriced and underpowered. There are plenty of other cars waiting at the same MSRP with more power, more driven wheels,

Follow that up with a four putt and you have a typical hole for me.

I guess Russell Wilson wasn't the only person who didn't realize that someone in a Marshawn Lynch jersey was right behind them.

True, but you didnt answer the question...

GAP insurance.

But what if she was promiscuous? It seems kinda weird she kept going back to the isolated spot day after day to be raped no? Or should we just assume she's telling the truth like the Duke stripper, Tawna B., or UVA Jackie?

Like, why the fuck would she leave her couch there?