Zur En Arrh

...but isn’t bitching about things we don’t want to watch the whole point of the AV Club?

Maybe leave the pronouncements on what’s a transformative girl power movie to the women, dude.

They should have just done a line for line production of Macbeth but with cgi lions

I actually enjoy this film and don’t see all the hate for it. Much more accessible and fun then IM3 and Age of Ultron. And was great to see Garry Shandling (not surprising how he turned out later on).  

I also think it gets less love than it deserves. It’s a big dumb fantasy and I really appreciate it for that. I also really like how they didn’t have Thor dumbly marvelling at every piece of earth ephemera, but found the moments that made sense to him but were funny to us. (Walking into a pet store asking for a horse,

I didn’t think there needed to be a conspiracy to trash DC movies, Batman v Superman and Justice League did that on their own?

“DC fans have such a persecution complex they come up with conspiracy theories.”

How do you go from “finally looks his age” to “looks great for 50.” Please elaborate on what “great” means in lieu of your first assertion.

I would very much like that

When you see one set of footprints

It’s two hours of everything you ever wanted to see in a superhero movie and 20 minutes that rips out your soul. I loved it. 

I am a 90s girl and to this day still maintain that Mellon Collie is one of the best alternative albums ever released and that Tonight, Tonight is one of the best music videos ever created. The Pumpkins still have great replay value, though I will admit that “The Perfect Drug” and “Closer to God” are as far as I go for

“The general public enjoys the movies (for now) but I think online anticipation and excitement has mostly faded after Age of Ultron shit the bed”

Not really tempted to either. Sounds like it’s embarrassingly cringeworthy. We can all admit that this is a piece of shit, from an out of touch douche. But is it really that much worse than some of the other shit that’s out nowadays? Or, could it be now that I’m 37, I can no longer tell good bars from bad anymore?

I actually agree. I just put up that video for all the people that said that dropping bombs in space could not happen. It is not a plot hole or “bad writing”. It’s a choice that people didn’t agree with.

I’ve always liked Iron Man 2 more than 3 (yes, IM3 is a great Tony Stark movie and Tony is a great character; I’d just rather see an Iron Man movie), and I always say that IM2 works a lot better if you think of it as an episode of the MCU rather than a stand-alone film.

I didn’t not like IM3, and it had a lot of great elements in it: the Mandarin’s reveal (the bit with Trevor talking about his acting career is maybe my favorite bit in the movie), that Murtaugh & Riggs bit at the end, the extra suits, even Pepper subverting the girlfriend-as-hostage trope. My main problem is just how

I have no fondness for the film (I’m that rarest breed of SW fan: a Lucas loyalist) but I agree. When you ask your audience to take everything so seriously, don’t be surprised when it doesn’t want to give your hinky plot developments the same benefit of the doubt it might give a film that presents itself as mere

Also, maybe a fringe opinion, but what sort of a loon would even want to brag about it in the first place? “Nyah nyah nyah nyah, we made up an institution that fails outright in half of all attempts, and traps half of the remainder in a loveless, soul-crushing quagmire they can’t afford to escape.”  Big ups?  

It took my breaking my shoulder because I was acting like a dumb kid to realize I might need a change but ya there is no better time then now!