Zur En Arrh

You can’t possibly be serious. 


Yeah it was...really easy to not be spoiled if you don’t live on the Internet. Just don’t come to these kinds of websites when the trailers start hitting. Turn the channel when the tv spots come on. I went into EG completely unspoiled.

SESB most definitely holds up. 

But muh dominion over all creatures!

There are people who are secretly (or openly) horrible and some of them happen to be celebrities. No doubt empowered by their success and sway over others. 

You are fucking sad. Here in the 21st century we validate the victim, we don’t play ‘both sides.’ You’re trash, Brock. 

I don’t mind the idea that these self important morons are still holding on to the idea that money has value, that’s kind of the whole point of Fiddler’s Green. People are trying to pretend like everything is normal, like it’s the way it was. And people do stupid things for money. Those two characters are villains, of

Land was okay to me. A bunch of great moments in a mostly mediocre movie. Diary and Survival are almost unwatchable. But yeah, Day is my favorite. It’s sooooo hopeless and nihilistic and the actors are all just swinging for the fences with these cheesy scenery eating loud performances. Not to mention the zombie gags

I think it’s because we’re used to our heroes wasting their enemies. Or at least allowing then to die, I don’t have to save you, etc. so Spidey stands out and shows them how it’s done. 

Love most of the Romero series, Day of the Dead being my favorite. Will watch in tribute. 

Yeah it does. The MCU is onto the big shit now. Why does it seem such a stretch?

I’m starting to feel the same way. I need to see some real evidence and not just a  bunch of noise and anecdotes. 

Don’t watch them man. I haven’t watched a single trailer or read. Single article about the film since the first one. Going in super fresh. It’s possible. 

This comment makes me happy  

The horror movie aisle always scared the everliving shit out of me in blockbuster and the small video rental shops had an even scarier back room. 

The puppet was so strong because of voodoo magic, mon.

Maybe they want to put some time between the Foxverse and their version. The Marvel team clearly curates their properties and spends time getting them right before bringing them out. When the X-Men debut in the MCU its going to blow the doors off, I foresee this. 

That was the staff of the living tribunal. I doubt that was the living tribunal itself. 

Yeah, me too....that battle is close to the most epic thing ever.