Zur En Arrh

He was perfect in Power Rangers. Unfortunately the entire movie was trash but he was perfectly trash along w it. Knew what he was doing. I’m a grownup but I watched the shows in the 90s at an unhealthily-too-old age so I am biased. 

Could tell this was the worst kind of sentimental dreck just from the poster in the theater. 

You’re beyond clueless

Wow, that was bad. I don’t care about the analysis, just...what a snarky, poorly written piece. 

I THINK you’re wrong!

It hasn’t been funny for a while. Just depressing and infuriating. 

ZERO EFFECT is so awesome and doesn’t get enough love. 

Well that’s certainly an opinion. I find all three movies hilarious. But this movie looks like complete trash to me. Same planet, different worlds. 

Not surprised, this stunk from the first promo image. Those guys need to move on from this style. It’s dunzo. 


You led with a simpsons picture and an opportunity but couldn’t even use the appropriate quote: “it was the best of times it was the BLURST of times.”

I never try to be that guy but I question why they doth protest too much because these people will often mention in passing that they’ve “been thinking about cutting back”, it’s like ok so obviously you’re uncomfortable w how much you drink because you do clearly drink too much, but you don’t actually want to do

Or in surely some cases this is true. I don’t ever comment on people’s drinking even though I’m a recovering alk because it’s none of my business, and yet people still have to give me shit when I’m in a bar for a band or art show and I’m not drinking. But I know the people I’m talking about and they are DEFINITELY in

I love taking myself on movie/lunch/dinner/dessert dates. Bill’s always cheaper and I get whatever I want!

Art shows. Bands. Some places are late night food places w full bars 

This all sounds too dangerous for me. 

Great advice about finding sober activities. Been six months and I’m realizing how far I have to go and how much is out there for sober people. You may lose a lot of people that you think are friends, or they are drinking acquaintances, whatever; gonna have to find new people or new ways to interact with old people. I

It was nothing like that penis breath!

Megatron must be stopped. No matter the cost.

Wait. There was a big ass streak of blood going down a stormtrooper’s face in the first scene. It’s what trips Finn out. That’s his whole turning moment.