Filmed with a CVS-quality skull mask using only streetlamp light on some shitty back road in Florida.
Filmed with a CVS-quality skull mask using only streetlamp light on some shitty back road in Florida.
That was a great album.
You forgot JONAH HEX.
I think the only MCU movie that this thing DOESN’T pull from is ANT-MAN, honestly. Be a good soldier (and a good man) and watch them all. You’ll love it so much more.
Because IT’S FUN and it makes me feel good without that much guilt. Sorry it’s not directed by Harmony Korine on a VHS-C camera.
No fuckin shit Captain Obvious.
Weed is not evil. You’re just a lightweight. Trust us, we been there.
A lid! Who are you, Kerouac! Hah, just kidding, I love the old terms that pop up now and then. Do they still say that somewhere?
No u
So much of this is so laughable to the vast majority of working class folk. Laughable as in barely possible or plausible. These articles, man...hey just do this thing, why have you been so stupid for not doing it? Do you have any conceivable idea how poor financial education is in this shithole country (yes, America)?…
“Plus you’re never gonna wake up and find a cougar or bear in your kitchen”
Ah. You’re one of those.
So? on a fuckin TV show. Only assholes interrupt
I got it and thought it was funny....
Wow. People complain when the costumes are too realistic, then they complain when they’re too accurate. Typical.
The pure wrath in this post is like heroin to me
Saw the movie, loved it. Very diverse audience in the theater. Those critics sound like straight up fat neckbeard white dudes who have no original thought and also deep fear. I hate this country and want to leave.
I saw it in a fairly packed theater with a huge crowd of all kinds of people (in a town that has had some national headlines due to racial tension and full blown riots in response to the police murder of multiple young black men and women, particularly in the 90s) and the only thing that happened was people cheering…