The Basement Gamer

I think the Hulk is more attractive that Ruffalo.

Yeah, and I promise I saw it as a kid. Not just last month or something.

Jennifer Connelly in that movie did that for me. My first crush.

Rabin still trying to get "gay panic" to catch on it seems.

This is reason no. 2,563. (I originally wrote #2,563 but those millennials ruined the good old number sign)

He is just tiny. His hair and guitar are regular sized.

But she knows Unix.

Not like CDs (compact discs). Which are a circle. It's an editing error.

I don't feel bad for the owners complaining about people coming to look at the Full House house when he knowingly purchased the Full House house.

Yeah, the "real-world". The real Starkiller base…

Because after a 100 episodes it feels like you get to "know" someone. I know it is just entertainment, but it feels almost like a betrayal when the character is so far from the person (especially that they were both named "Alton Brown"). I know it is juvenile, but I don't watch the show anymore and won't watch

Good Eats literally taught me how to cook and I was utterly obsessed with Alton Brown. Then I realized he was a giant prick in real life and that made me sad. True story.

I swear to Christ I thought he was dead.

I don't even think The Sixth Sens was supposed to be scary. This is like saying, I wasn't freaked out at all watching Ghostbusters!

I'm starting to suspect you don't actually have to really be a genius to work at an Apple retail store….

This seemed like less of an interview (or "hatesong" article) than just a lonely guy calling up a reporter so he had someone to talk to.

What about Egg McMuffin?


But should use their public exposure to vocalize their dissatisfaction with their wives preferences and not receive any criticism in return.