The Bandsaw Vigilante

Definitely. I'm thinking I might actually compile a list, here, of films where this is turned on its head (just to see how many there are).

Many critics wear it as a badge of honor, sadly.

This reviewer needs to pop in the first Die Hard movie on Blu-Ray, and watch the text-commentary track. All kinds of academic, film-crit discussion there on how the Hans Gruber character in that movie is actually the protagonist (he instigates the entire plot), and how John McClane is the film's antagonist (he works

Might be Dodonna (with Jimmy Smits and Genevieve O'Reilly) in the Rogue One Celebration Reel (right around the 1:03 mark):

Yeah, any way you slice it, after Seasons 8-9, it's pretty much ALL wretched and terrible (even with several key "Golden Age" staffers returning to the show at various points along the way). As one site has famously dubbed it, anything after that period is reanimated, decaying "Zombie Simpsons."

"The Bearded Men of the 99th Precinct"

For myself, it was only the first eight years, but yes — pretty much 100% agreed otherwise.

Agreed — that's deep into the Mike Scully Era™, which was a dark, dark time. And it really hasn't gotten much better since then, either.

"Night on Butt Mountain"

Agreed — and even if The Office was basically out of its prime by that point, the rest of that NBC Thursday block was absolutely freaking incredible, a true Murderer's Row of comedy shows.

Some pretty interesting framing and composition in the episode I noticed, like the camerawork when Lee and Gamby are talking in the woods (and with leafy foliage in the middle focal-distance).

You guys want some grapes?


Agreed — on my own phone, for instance, I have my wife's contact labeled, "I C E Wife" ("[I]n [C]ase [of] [E]mergency"), which is an acronym first-responders and hospital personnel are trained to look for in the event of incapacitation.


"Jared, have you been crying?"

No love for Alfred Molina on Rick and Morty?

"Jeff Winger, did you know you're gay?"
"…Agree to disagree. To you, I leave this bottle of fine scotch, so that you're less tempted to drink this cylinder of even finer sperm."

"I also leave you this liquid-nitrogen-cooled cylinder of my hyper-virile sperm in case your lesbian lifestyle one day wears out, and you wish to raise an army of geniuses."

Christ, I hope they bring Olyphant in as a guest-star at some point before these 18 episodes are finally up.