The Bandsaw Vigilante

And even on Community Goggins got the chance to basically "play" Pierce Hawthorne from beyond the grave, right down to nailing how Chevy Chase delivered his lines while reading his last will and testament. His delivery of, "Also, sperm" still starts me giggling to this very day.

"…My bad."

He also played the alien Nym in the Star Wars: Starfighter video games, so points there as well.

Same here. If anything, that SNL sketch almost downplays the bizarreness of Japan.

"…Fucked up part is, I'm having its baby."

Danny McBride running from a Xenomorph is good and all, but if they *really* want to make me happy, they'll give me a Xenomorph running from Danny McBride.

He turned in a pretty great low-key and subdued performance in Pineapple Express, and in one or two other roles, from what I remember.

This is the exact same stupid bullshit that went down last summer leading up Mad Max: Fury Road's release (both Reddit and the IMDB boards were absolutely nightmarish for several weeks due to all the MRAs), but George Miller and company still ended up getting the last laugh at the end of the day.

This. The Stephen King novel (while quite good) is still very much a product of its era (2005-06), prior to the advent of smartphones, when people still mostly used their phones as actual phones.

This site knows all of my secret shames.

He quit at the end of Season 2, when the network wanted to make all sorts of drastic changes to the show for Season 3 (including turning the Janine Melnitz-character into a gentle, softened-down "mommy"-figure, etc.).

I think I once saw JMS publicly burning a copy of this bible when I was a kid.

God, I loved C64 Ghostbusters back in the '80s. Once you're past the Marshmallow Man, you're treated to some of the funniest speech-synthesis ever. Zuul cries out, which sounds more like Stephen Hawking typing his orgasm.

Both, yeah, LOL — come for the conspiracy nonsense, stay for Alex's patented "Home Survival Kit" (TM) sales-pitch, where he tries to get you prepared for the upcoming FEMA Takeover/Race War/Liberal Gun Confiscation (because EVERY single mass-shooting in America is an Obama-administration "black-flag" operation,

Although she lives downstate from my wife and I, I almost dread visiting her, because inevitably (especially right now, during this whole insane election-cycle), some nutso Alex Jones Infowars bullshit is going to crop up during the course of the conversation.

Ha, I know, right? Jones is so intent upon pimping Trump as "his" chosen candidate, but despite this, they still think Hillary is being anointed by the Illuminati with sacred oils to take over and murder 95% of the world's population, etc.

My mother and her boyfriend are both stalwart Alex Jones listeners, and fervently believe that U.S. Presidential elections are all Illuminati-rigged screwfests preparing America to be taken over by FEMA and the One World Government™, and that Hillary and Trump are both working together to ensure her inauguration and

A reset was in order. Neither Burton nor Warner Bros. were interested in returning for another sequel together.

God, Lauren Graham's STILL an ageless MILF.

I know…I know. I live right across the state line from Indiana, and for voting-reasons, I'm kinda wishing I lived over there right now (it's gonna be super-tight, come November, and my vote could at least cancel out some backwoods Nazi's vote).