The Bandsaw Vigilante

BSG also did an excellent "missing-persons wall" from the second episode onward.

…But also condoms too.

Wait a minute…Angelfire is still a thing?

I've long pegged Season 9 as the starting point for the fall of The Simpsons myself. While not a terrible season, the warning signs were all there:

Will take the first eight seasons. I have no problem mentally separating Seasons 1-8 from the rest. When I think of and talk about "The Simpsons," that's literally what I'm referring to. Everything after is pretty much the Expanded Universe™.

"This film is based around a madman with an arsenal of automatic weapons savagely slaughtering zoo animals."

Heck, probably HBO in 1999, for that matter.

Fun, Utterly Random Nerd-Trivia Factoid™:

-I really enjoyed this while it was on, though I remember thinking it
never re-attained the heights of the early episode where Dragon goes on a
magnificent rant to a waiter about how he should piss in every Cobb
salad he serves.

Same here. Just about wore my VHS taped-copies from the FOX run out in later years until the DVDs finally came out. Wish this show was on Blu-Ray. It certainly deserves it.

"Hey Robbie, you better get back in there — they're starting to turn on George."

Sold. But MacLaren actually directed the second episode of Better Call Saul's debut season ("Mijo"), technically making this their second post-BrBa collaboration, not their first.

Agreed. I already have more than enough games to keep me occupied for the next 6-12 months on my OG PS4 without upgrading already to the new hotness. And, as you point out, there's very little actual 4K content yet to support it all with.

Me personally, I just clutch my precious Season 1-8 DVDs tightly to my bosom each night. Anything else is basically the Simpsons Expanded Universe™.

All the rep, sir. Too bad I can only upvote once.

Yeah, interface-wise, I never had any trouble figuring it all out. It's mostly that Yahoo Screen's web-browser access was so dated, clunky, and backwards, it felt like an invention of the Community writers. Something the Dean would boast about being installed on all seven of Greendale's state-of-the-art Amiga PCs.

Videos of puppies.

Pretty much, yeah — the episode right before this one was missing Princess Carolyn in BoJack's kitchen, for instance. It's been pretty cool.

Agreed. Everything is politics now, thanks to the Millennial Cultural Maoists. Some people just have the offended rage-goggles on 24/7.

Wasn't 1996 when Hootie and the Blowfish became big? That was kind of the harbinger of doom