Luckily, they hardly ever allow people who are not white and male to even direct or write movies. When they sadly find a way to do so, like with Selma, they just ignore it and hope this crazy trend goes away soon!
Luckily, they hardly ever allow people who are not white and male to even direct or write movies. When they sadly find a way to do so, like with Selma, they just ignore it and hope this crazy trend goes away soon!
In what is surely a false flag operation designed to redirect attention from Speaker of the House John Boehner's simm…
We have basically two schools of thought in the comments: people like you (and me tbh) who think this is an absolutely outrageously specific level of demands to place upon another human being's body and personal appearance, and people who think it seems like a reasonable and normal set of requirements. It's really…
I love Sorority girls' penchant for fancy-ing up even the most mundane of details. "GOD BECKY THIS DRESS ISN'T PURPLE YOU DUMB BITCH IT'S CLEARLY AUBERGINE."
If you look at slowed-down footage from The View, you can clearly see a second talk show on the Grassy Knoll.
I prefer to think about it as "the time The View tried to kill you."
I have a copy of Perez's birth certificate. She was born in Hawaii.
I certainly didn't. I mean, she wasn't even wearing a hoodie.
He was ordered to avoid contact with the victim, so you know what that means: he's single again! Ladies?
I would take a nibble with her consent.
If she ever goes missing, we should look for her in every old ladies' candy dish first.
i like that a bunch of women have said they squirt and you are actively saying no because you haven't seen it.
In my own personal study that was conducted twice yesterday afternoon because I was home alone and bored, I can categorically assert that it is definitely not pee.
I don't know much about Victoria or the Spice Girls. I have always gotten the impression that Victoria is fucking with people.
ROTTEN PLACENTA would be an amazing band name for a bunch of tough ass rock chicks.
I cannot believe I am defending her: but you leave Taylor way the hell alone from a Bradley Cooper rumor. NOT COOL. She is better than a rando Bradley Cooper hookup staged for press. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Sometimes a racist pot finds it's equally racist lid.
Pretty much everything about Kristen Bell makes me want to hang out with her and drink wine.