
yup, but she got another one for The Leftovers in the guest actress category

I laughed so hard at that smoke break scene. Tamara's awkward shifting was perfect. This show can be the funniest thing on TV when it wants to.

CRACK-UP is beautiful. I remember thinking "This is soooo boring" on first listen but now its all I listen to.
Iiiiiii was a child in the Ivy then. Transcendent.

This kid is like a smaller, male, Rebel Wilson. Except he's actually funny.

Where is It Comes at Night?
That was far and away the best movie I've seen so far in what has been a particularly weak first half of the year.

Definitely agree on McKean. This was his season. I hope this isn't a case where they find the character so unlikable that they ignore the incredible performance.

2. The Young Pope
1. The Leftovers / Twin Peaks
This is top tier.

I remember when AVClub had a shit attack when Enlightened was picked as Best Show over the final season of Breaking Bad. That was dumb. Enlightened is one of the best shows of the decade.

Seriously? I didn't know AVClub was so high on Rogue One. That movie is a poorly written slog, that's most lifelike character is a robot who couldn't even crack a top 20 robots of all time list.

Come on now, More Life over Pure Comedy? Ballad of the Dying Man alone is better than More Life. Crack-Up is the album of the year so far for me.

Well, at least we can all certainly agree that no one listens to DAMN. all the way through any more and it was majorly over-hyped.

I love arty pulp! That's like, my favorite kind of pulp!

Nope. Spongebob ended after the first movie. This crap isn't Spongebob.

Yeezus turns 4 today.
Happy Birthday, to my favorite album of all time.

Lovin the album length.

Or… Uh… Maybe this reviewer has a different opinion than you? I guess its a lot easier to blame it on some conspiracy.

Wow. This sounds like total satire. But its not. Its a little crazy, every time I read that last part, I can't help but read it in a sarcastic accent.
She's clearly a bigot.

What? Woman is singular??? Thank you, I had no idea! It certainly wasn't just a typo!
By the way, the correct way to write that last part is "Figure that out and then come up with something worth thinking about. See you in a decade. Toodles." Grammar is fun.

That's really patronizing to women. Second guess her? Undermine her choices? What the hell are you even talking about?
They're critics, that's literally their job. She's not getting critiqued because she's a women, she's getting critiqued because there are flaws in her movie. Because that's what equality is. And I

Fuck off.