
Most of the things I love. Kanye West. The Master. The Leftovers.

I don't want to live in a world where JMP is an attorney. What a thoroughly rotten human being.

What's with all these comments being like "But Face/Off doesn't even make any sense!" I don't think even the biggest fans of Face/Off would ever argue that it makes sense. But shouldn't movies be evaluated based on how well they accomplish what they set out to do? Face/Off sets out to be a live action Saturday morning

I don't know what it says about me that Crash is one of my favorite movies.
It's a ridiculous movie about car fetishists. Yet, in its final moments, everything comes together and, like the best movies, feels like its been carefully constructed to serve a larger point. I love when a movie feels like beautiful trash.

The Hudsucker Proxy is such a terrible title, it sort of makes you forget what a hilarious movie The Hudsucker Proxy is.

Uuuuh, yes. The way they were cut into the scene from the movie. How is that not a joke? That was the only thing funny about them.

"McDonald’s Sweet ’N Sour: Tastes like peaches in applesauce form."
What is wrong with your tastebuds? That's not even remotely correct.

A Ghost Story has been haunting me since I saw it. 5/5. Holy sheet. Meditative, melancholic, and totally original. I've had "I Get Overwhelmed" on constant repeat.

Well there's no way I can resist a Paul Thomas Anderson ranking.
1. The Master
2. There Will Be Blood
3. Boogie Nights
4. Punch-Drunk Love
5. Inherent Vice
6. Magnolia
7. Hard Eight
All masterpieces, except for Hard Eight, which is a near-masterpiece. If anyone disrespects The Master, I'll go full Freddie Quell on your ass.

Truly great?

Yeah, that annoyed me. If Katheryn Bigelow and Paul Thomas Anderson aren't getting a nomination, Ben Affleck sure as fuck doesn't deserve one.


Show doesn't get nearly enough credit. Can't wait.

But do you really think they're not lampooning Trump anymore out of cowardice? I think they're not lampooning Trump because they tried to do that last season and they ended up writing themself into a corner. Writing for Trump would leave them creatively stale, and it wouldn't be funny, because Trump is so ridiculous

It looks good, but not that good, people. This isn't Social Network levels of trailer mastery.

Bane is fantastic. Maybe he's not Heath Ledger but as I've been getting more and more disappointed with the villains in these new superhero movies, Bane stands out to me as an example of what a bad guy with some real screen presence can do to your movie. I also really enjoyed Anne Hathaway as cat-woman. And that scene

Hot take: The Dark Knight Rises is underrated.

What's wrong with autotune? Autotune can be really beautiful if its used right.

Lol. Planes-heads. I don't know if Gregg Turkington started this trend but I'm definitely giving him the credit.
