
Cars 2 makes me unreasonably angry.

There's nothing more insufferable than a group of people talking about how much they don't care about something.

How good was that actress who played Irene? She killed me.

From the first shot I knew we were in good hands. I love minimal movies like this. People will be upset at the lack of answers but Schultz knows exactly what he's doing. We're left to draw our own conclusions and there's an actual thematic reason for why he does that. This is a movie about the unknown. So it makes

I think that was supposed to be intentionally ambiguous. Definitely not a plot hole.

The Neon Demon.

Loved it. No shoehorned exposition. It just drops you into the plot, and doesn't tell you how to think. The characters talked like how actual people talk. It plays and subverts the audience's expectations. And the direction is perfect at creating the intended dread and paranoia. Its one of those great minimalist

I wanted that movie so bad to be good

Atlanta was good. But lets be real, it felt like half a season. We all loved the diversions and invisible cars but it never felt like the deep dive into the rap community which we expected. It didn't show enough of these people actually doing their jobs. And it didn't show enough Darius. Glover knows how to write good

Its not true though. Yachty at least sounds original.

This album's a little uneven and definitely too long, but Lil Boat is a classic.

Why did you dislike it? I remember plenty of people having a problem with that scene. I personally disliked it because I found it super predictable but I think most people disliked it for different reasons.

The commercials did not make this look like a B.

Yeah, I don't really understand where this complaint is coming from. I think people are forgetting just how dumb Andy and Lucy were in the original run.

"No matter what happens to me, I'll always remember the shit you said."
Fucking chilling.

I think, like the first time, he just wanted to go home. But this time he brought the world down with him on his way out to make sure he never had to go back.

Why does it somehow make more sense if Patty and Meg aren't in this world? The world revolves around Kevin. Why wouldn't it be populated with people he knows? Why does Kevin matter? Why did all the Perfect Strangers cast members depart but one? It seems to me like this has been pretty arbitrary from the beginning. It

Well then that old candy is PayDay because this is all Payoff. Is Kevin running around in a hotel? Is the objective the same? Are the events surrounding his journey the same? Does Kevin come out of the journey having learned nothing new? No. You said it yourself. Kevin learns to stop running. To stay present in

What? Didn't do much to advance the story line? Chiiiiill, we have a whole other episode to rap things up. To look at all of the things which this episode miraculously managed to pull off and still be like, ugh… filler, I'm left thinking, what more did you want? Kevin nuked an alternate reality. In an episode of Mad

You guys gonna review Teenage Emotions, Lil Yachty's new album? Sure, its too long, and Peekaboo's pretty awful, but its actually pretty damn fun. Yachty transitions from the lofi charm of Lil Boat to something with a little more polish and he mostly pulls it off. The songs are surprisingly diverse and there's just