
"My family, my friend, I have crisscrossed this great land of ours countless times. I hold the map of it here, in my heart, next to the joyful memories of the carefree days I spent as a young boy here in your beautiful town of Twin Peaks. From Alexandria, Virginia, to Stockton California, I think about Lewis and his

Wally is my everything.

There's a lot of talk about how this isn't as funny as the original. But the quick cut after "Is that mother's hat?" is one of the best examples of comedic editing I've seen in ages.

Fucking perfect. Bravo Lynch. If you're a fan of Lynch and watched the original Twin Peaks, I don't understand how you could be disappointed by this.

Jesus Christ, its her fucking life. Why should her kids, just by virtue of existing, force her to live? They're not babies, being left without care. If they feel sad about it, they can feel free to kill themselves as well. Because that is our right. If some hermit offed themself, some jackass would still find a way to

No mention of the scene where they're driving through the desert and there's nothing on the radio but news of death so they pull over and Cage tunes the radio to hard rock? He does a flip out the car and then they both start moshing until they hug and the beautiful score bubbles up. Its funny, and moving, and genuine.

It was fine. "I Wish You A Swift Death, Taylor. Swift Death, I Said!" was definitely a highlight. A bit slow at the start but the chorus is a real earworm. Didn't care for the raunchy rock songs.

I think there's a correlation between how often we see Beck Bennett and how good the episode is. After last week's refreshing goofiness this sort of just felt like business as usual again. The Production Logo one was definitely the sketch of the night for me.
"Feast your ass on this".

I can't speak words about this show. There's just too much good stuff in it. I wouldn't know where to begin. It's just fuckin cool.

Ok, gotcha. Sorry if I sounded like a dick. Or a troll. Or argumentative for the sake of arguing. This wasn't even necessarily about your post so much as it was just something that I've been struggling with for awhile and wanted to articulate. Thanks for taking the time to reply. I voted for Hilary by the way. And I

You're missing my point. You initially said that you saw this person as selfish because they voted for Stein. Because they went with their ideals, and not what would be better for the country. I pointed out that your individual vote does not actually have an impact on how the country turns out. You agreed with me on

"Also, here's the thing- you're right an individual vote doesn't matter very much, but, let's say all the Stein voters didn't vote for Stein. That's, what, a few million people? That makes a difference."

I hear this a lot and it never makes any sense to me. Why does no one address the obvious elephant in the room? The fact that your individual vote doesn't actually make a difference. Or how come, when people do address it, you always get the "Well… if everyone thought like that, then no one would vote!" Yes. No shit,

I think the problem is his face.

No. I do not agree. Because his music moves me. It surprises me. It paints pictures in my head. The reason people fall in love with Kanye records is the same reason people fall in love with movies. They're invested in a character. Kanye isn't all that socially conscious, his flow is basic, he could hardly spit a

Yes, because we all know that Kanye fans love him for his bars.

MBDTF and Yeezus are beautiful records that will absolutely stand the test of time. I can play Yeezus over and over again. It never gets old. It's a tight 40 minutes and there's not a single bad track on it.

HUMBLE. by Kendrick.
I'll get random lines goin throughout my head in the day.
"My left stroke just went viraaaal"
"Pull up on your block, then break it down: we playin' Tetris"
"Get the fuck off my dick, that ain't right, I make a play fucking up your whole life"

I thought Damn. was totally overrated but HUMBLE. is not. HUMBLE. is catchy as fuck.
The whole verse is super memorable, I'll just have random parts goin through my head.
"My left stroke just went viraaaaal"
"Pull up on your block, then break it down, we playin Tet-ris"
"Get the fuck off my dick, that ain't right, I

Maybe… he just has a different opinion than you? Stop reading into his motives. I hate when people say shit like this. They say we're being pompous, or hip, or too cool for school when we like something that they don't. You think this says something about the reviewer? No, it says something about you. Assumptions like