
They recap it so that they can get those clicks. Not all the reviewers are in love with the show they're reviewing. The "typically good" shows are Girls, The Americans, Bojack Horseman, Stranger Things, Game of Thrones, The Young Pope, etc. Breaking Bad and Mad Men applied when they were on. These shows will never get

It's an unspoken rule here that the worst a typically "good" show can get is a C+.

I thought he was perhaps the best part about The Force Awakens. He actually made me excited to see where that character goes. Harrison Ford was awful. Seemed half asleep.

Thank you, this is our weekly comment, Mad about Mads.
It looks like this week our Mads couldn't take the Trank and said no more to his fantastic four interview.
For more info, read the article located directly above this comment.


I probably need to watch Tree of Life again. I remember ultimately thinking it was a bunch of striking images and cinematography held together by a really dull family plot. It's beautiful and all but I found it hard to care much about the characters for whatever reason.

That teaser with Carrie Coon and the automatic door was perfect. Masterclass in teasering. It's funny, it's mysterious, and it has Carrie Coon bein adorable. I don't know bout you, but that's a good bargain for my 30 seconds of time.

At first it seems like this writer is just being oversensitive. "This show wasn't made for the critics. It's for the fans." That's what every actor ever has said when their adaptation has gotten bad reviews. What is he supposed to say, "Yeah, I agree with the critics, it's a shit show"? But then I saw the update, and

And the award for biggest schlong goes to…

Maybe I'd agree with you in the beginning but no, I disagree.
Kenan may not have huge range, but he's consistently one of the funniest parts of the show.
The writers know how to use him.


When did Adam get so awful? Remember when he was incredibly flawed but then could also be the voice of reason? Now he's just sort of an asshole, and worse than that, sort of dumb.

Ok. No. The Chocolate Man sketch was fuckin hilarious. It was like a South Park scene brought to life. And the lack of laughter from the audience just makes it funnier. It confirms my thought of Beck Bennett being the second best cast member on the show.

I was just thinking the same thing. She's like, my type.

I've finally figured out how I feel about Villasenor. I'd be excited to see her career outside of SNL but she's one of those talents so specific that the show doesn't know how to use her outside of impressions.
And that "Girl At A Bar" short film was definitely not a highlight. Just one joke repeated again and again.

Franco still gets residual love from me for Freaks and Geeks. He was also quite good in 127 Hours and Spring Breakers. Half the time he's good and half the time he's miscast like in that Oz movie. But David Simon, guys. Don't doubt Mr. Simon.

You're saying that a man who comitted ACTUAL RAPES gets to go on stage, on the TV, and accept an award? What is that about? I mean, didn't this asshole settle in court? I had a cousin who settled out of court and one of the stipulations, agreed upon by both parties, was that he was no longer allowed to win any Academy

Who was in charge of the Oscars this year?
Mr. Peanutbutter?

Yeah, the clip really highlighted that. And I love The Gos.

He's that jackass who's like actually good at things, and can get things done, and you're really jealous of him.