

Going home to their mundane plebian lives so they can cry

I vote to remove the Shorts.

That's the one that hurts the most cause his best work would have been ahead of him. That performance in Green Room is really really great.

"City of stars…
Ha uh hu ah hu hu ha
Ha hu, ha hu uhhhhhh

He always sounded just on the verge of saying something interesting.
"I like it when I leave the theatre humming. "

I never even noticed and they were in the same movie.

Murl Streeeeeeeeeeeps!


I'm crossing my fingers for Grubo's Glubshack to win best foreign marketing.

You've seen the two best ones. The series isn't always as consistent as those, and it can occasionally rush through character arcs, but it's well worth it for gems like these.

This girl is unreasonably attractive.

Wait… how is this comment not satire?

If Hidden Figures won it would easily be one of the worst best picture winners ever.

Eh, it just makes me wanna play Rainbow Connection.

Right on the money. Its a totally different film but it has all the problems that The Wolf of Wall Street had. At a certain point it just gets really repetitive and self-indulgent. Only Wolf of Wall Street was fun. I think Scorsese needs to hire a strict editor who can reign him in. In the end, it just asked the same

Needs more Adam

Yes, but you don't find a lot of kids getting thrown into lockers or getting wedgied nowadays. The only film to actually somewhat represent High School realistically in recent years has been 21 Jump Street.

I'm gonna admit a really awful part of myself.
I really love reading these comments.
I make an afternoon of it.

And who is saying this? Not Harris, Hitchens, or this dude. Its pretty clear you're misrepresenting what was said. And weren't you asked for proof of their bigotry? You just responded by saying that its wrong to stereotype all Muslims. No shit, Sherlock, none of those three people disagree with you on that.