
"Sam Harris is an idiot". This is just false. Like, factually false. Listen to him speak. He's, at the very least, not an idiot.

Get the fuck out of here

Inherent Vice
Upstream Color
Wild at Heart

I was specifically referring to the punchline of him meeting Autumn. And yeah, it's corny, but it's just like a little tag and it doesn't affect the rest of the narrative. I could also really do without the narration, I think that's the worst part of it. I think its totally unfair that people like to call Summer a

People like to shit on this movie nowadays but I still love it.

Ew, my work is in the A.V. Club now. Got outta here.

I think its spelled GOAT testicles.

Fuck you, Krugman

I think for some people, 21 Pilots inspire a visceral hatred, because they're one of those artists that "edgy" kids who go to Hot Topic like and claim are some type of alternative to top 40 even though they're in actuality as formulaic as they come. Their brand of self-serious rapping in cliched Lincoln-Park-like

You really liked Surf that much? I just thought it was mostly a bunch of unmemorable filler outside of Sunday Candy. Acid Rap a classic though.

I was okay with Patrick Wilson though because that whole episode sort of felt like a dream.

I prefer season 2. Hit or miss but the hits really hit.

Her show really isn't that bad. Occasionally, it's even great.

This show is actually groundbreaking.

Split is my favorite M. Night Shyamalan movie. James McAvoy gives exactly the right kind of big performance and the pacing is great. The ending really elevates the film to something special.

Greenberg is so damn good. It's the role Ben Stiller was born to play.

There are times when this show is at Glee levels of characters acting differently to fit the plot. I think they gave us a pretty good hook for next season. Rebecca's revenge gives the show the narrative drive that the show was sorely lacking after Greg left. It just sucks that the show had to take such a sloppy path

Oh, I get it now. I was confused before but now it's clear.
So I'm allowed to punch any Milo fan, right? There's no age restriction, I hope. When I see my Milo supportin brother I'm gonna bash his face in so hard. Yeah, I'm sorry, why even punch? When you have Nazis like this we should honestly be sticking knives in


Blocked buddy. Go kiss Maher's ass somewhere else, you cretin.