
That is shockingly immature and scary.

Do you remember when people pointed this out and a lot of the commenters here just didn't listen and assumed the worst about their character?
No? Just me.

Wow. Violence is not the answer. Don't be a freaking dingus.

"He regularly calls for violence against people who disagree with him".
I've never seen any evidence of this. I disagree with Milo on a lot so believe me, I'm no fan, but is there evidence or am I just mistaken?

Yes, like a majority of commenters here. And they were sort of hysterical when you pointed out that it was a hoax. They'd demonize you and call you an animal hater. It was weird.

Come on, AVClub. Don't you think "Milo Yiannopoulos got a university appearance canceled after demonstrations turned violent" is a bit disingenuous?

Nah, that's Crazy Ex Girlfriend. I mean, Season 1 was okay, but Season 2 is off the rails.

They got nothin on Lil Boat.

Whiplash is one of those rare fantastic movies that I can actually show my friends.

Only Bojack Horseman

Why do you care what this person jacks off to? Some people like skinny chicks, big deal.

Season 1 is pretty much a masterpiece and one of the best, most underrated shows of the decade.

You always confuse me because when I see your profile pic I always think for a moment that it's Freddie Quell but then I realize that it's not and you're that guy who hates The Master.

I've heard this interpretation a lot but I've never bought it. What I get from Freddie "auditing" the woman is just that he's still in love with Lancaster. Sure, Freddie's regurgitating Dodd's technique but he's not intellectualizing it. It's almost like he's recounting something he remembers from a dream. The last

For all his talk, Freddie was possibly functionally impotent throughout much of the movie, and the sex at the end probably did a lot more to heal him than all of "The Master"s nonsense spirituality.

This movie will be viewed as one of the greatest movies of all time. I'm certain of that.

I fucking hate dog movies. All of them. Fuck em. I couldn't even imagine a worse looking film if I tried.

Imagine how good this series could be if the kids could actually act. The kid who plays Klaus, in particular, has all the charisma of a wet sock.

Yes, but how memorable is a melody really if all you can hum of it is "City of stars…"

For the life of me, I will never understand what "good" singing is supposed to be. For instance, sometimes Kanye's shitty voice is the most beautiful thing in the world to me and sometimes Whitney Huston bores me to tears.