Would somebody please tell this insufferable child… to… God!
Would somebody please tell this insufferable child… to… God!
Just the other day I was telling my friend that all of these Kony people were like when Annie and Shirley first discovered protesting, and the rest of the world was like the guy who told Annie and Britta, "You don't have to yell at us. Nobody is on the other side of this."
"Hey, guys? I kept your name on the lease and took my name off. Have fun being responsible for an apartment you left like four years ago!"
I didn't see him as polite in this. I saw him as a rather selfish man who never learned how to behave around people. When he and Katherine split under the bleachers and he says, "I just want you to know, I'm not missing you." Her reply, "You will." just slays me.
Deal. Then we'll meet back here and debrief.
I'll comfort Mrs. Coach while he's in Afghanistan.
Boring bisexual.
Milli Vanilli got a grammy, too.
That movie is perfect, until the final five minutes. End it right after the shootout at the motel. Skip the scene about going to Bisbee.
That's a lot of words that can be refuted by just saying, "She's so boring."
You can't really dust for vomit.
David Duchovny is going to read his eulogy to a dog.
Don't tell me what to find. Now I say they lived the rest of their lives on Gum Drop Mountain. Because history is whatever we want it to be.
This really is an incredibly romantic story. A guy gave up a title that meant very little to marry the woman he loved and live a lavish life in Bermuda. It touches my heart.
Let Go is a great album. You really should check it out.
I have absolutely no sympathy for that guy. On top of being a hack, he's delusional. He thinks he's a superior comic because he doesn't drink water on stage.
So when SkyNet becomes self-aware, it's all yelling and crying in the streets, but when TrollNet becomes self-aware, that's progress?
But his kid plays guitar for the Strokes. That gets him a lifetime pass from me.