
I was thinking last night about the parallels this show has with Scrubs when the old guy told Rollerblading Disco Stu "What it is, soul brother!" That seemed right out of an episode of Scrubs where they deal with a patient with dementia who is funny. Because if that disease is anything, it's charming.

Mac And Me 2: Try The McRib.

Dude, don't blow my cover.

Will Mrs. Coach go with him?
If not, she can crash at my place. On my face

I worked there then, too. And I never said that you said that he was drunk. I was just posting an anecdote.

Also, but became reclusive after Don Rich died, and he developed cancer. He had a portion of his tongue removed, and he and his keyboard player holed themselves up in a recording studio he built in Bakersfield and he taught himself to sing again. His diction suffered, and most people said that he was drunk and

Who did you date? I work there.

That album is kinda my guilty pleasure because I can't decide if it's terrible and I love it, or if it's actually really great and I love it. It's completely different with Third Eye Blind. I know they're terrible, but I love that one Crystal Meth Ditty.

Did Altman tell you he invented those things?
Because the overlapping dialogue was in Citizen Kane, the sound guy cart thing she describes sounds an awful lot like a mixing console, and I'm pretty sure the camera arm thing is just a boom.

Comparison to Arrested Development.

The big twist at the end is that his opponent has stacked all of their ships on top of each other.

"I just want the boat to take me home!"

My favorite part was when she said that she said that she brought Curb Your Enthusiasm back from mediocrity.

I kinda wish that role was played by Tom Waits instead.

@Cathartic Bullets:
Exactly. She car-jacked a cab at LAX (no shortage of cops or cameras there), and then the driver escapes. So now everybody in fucking Los Angeles is seeing the license plate of the cab on the many roadside message boards. Not to mention the cab has some sort of lojack/GPS transponder in it so

It's SNL. The sound always sucks. And it's mixed for broadcast by a guy in a separate room who doesn't have to deal with shit like stage volume or feedback. And this guy's making 6 figures on a union gig, so he can't get fired unless he shows up drunk.

Also, when Claire was reprimanding the family after Minnie Driver left, she came out of a back room straightening her clothing.

Cormac McCarthy best not be walking under any pianos or anything like that.


Just out to impress people I don't even know. The point was I was so pissed at that movie that I went looking for him. Not that we're totally BFFs.