
I vote NO
On all above questions.

The absolute worstiest movie I have ever seen. I tried to find Bill Paxton (we frequented the same bar near the Beverly Center) to yell at him for that piece of shit.

But then what would you do with all the chicks if you were, in fact, "unhelmeted?"

The kicker for the massive piece of shit that was Frailty was when McConaughey led the cop to the secret burial site of the God's Hands Killer, and it was a field WITH A BUNCH OF BODY SIZED PILES OF DIRT IN IT.

Tom, that's what I thought as well. I was about to call my mom and tell her about the genius I just witnessed. Please don't tell me it was a mistake.

Can I just say that the trailer for "Million Dollar Baby" looked like total shite? Plucky girl wants to box, cranky old guy thinks girls should be cooking, hijinks ensue. Then I saw it. I don't think I was ever more wrong in my life.

On Everest, after a certain altitude, there's nothing you can do to help others. Helicopters can't fly that high to rescue anyone, and it is nigh impossible to carry others down to a manageable altitude. It's something that is understood by all climbers: If shit happens at camp 4, you're on your own.

I'm reading this right now.
Well, not RIGHT NOW, I'm posting a comment. But I'm stuck in the middle of the Bush head-in-the-sand clusterfuck that led up to 9/11, and I'm thinking that this book came out 5 years too late. It seems more in place in 2004 than now. I loved the history of the Taliban and al Qaida, but

If they need extra cash to cover the syndication rights, there's always money in the banana stand.

Does it put the lotion on its skin?

Hey, uh, what kinda car does Lancelot drive?

So does the end of Mr. Holland's Penis.

More of a B+, actually. Shin-Shin kinda screwed up the curve.

I'm just sad they didn't include the scene where someone tells Damon "It's not your fault." Over and over before he calls Vinnie to apologize.

How is Vincent Chase's performance
This is the movie that shot him to stardom.

But Roger's wife was Don's secretary when Don was separated. That's how she knows. She didn't find out from Roger.

Hypnotiq for me.

The pie's the heart of the film!

But how's the next one?

God dammit. And triple post, as well. OK, cancerAIDS away.