
I can tell you whose BFF I would definitely not be
and that's Gallagher. In fact, if I ever see that guy again, I'm going to punch him in the fucking wiener.

I believe they're in talks with Prince.

@Jagoff: In my dreams, James Carville plays Destro.

Saw this last time in NY
For free. My friend's the head electrician. It was well worth the price of admission, but the jokes were pretty stale. Wow, a porn on the internet joke? Is it 1999 already? And they kept a George Bush joke in there, although slightly edited. What I'm sure was cutting edge when this first

They banged once, and the next morning, OtP was totally like, "I'm going to get us some Egg McMuffins." And took off. Only, OtP didn't come back at all. And totally left his/her/both phone there. And OtP got a call from OtP's girlfriednd/boyfriend/parole officer and WFD knew that he/she/both had been played. At it


Burl, I'd like to introduce you to The Insider.

@Carnivorous Danus:

D, stop that.

What the article failed to mention
Is that Perez was beaten by's hologram from election night.

Unless you're no longer hot. Then you end up with kleenex in your nose, and kidnapped on the set of MASH.

It felt like they were trying to shoehorn the end of Slumdog Millionaire into this episode. I hated the end of Slumdog Millionaire.

Yeah, but you have a computer and an internet connection. You can get it from like the rest of us.


I hope this thing happens. I wouldn't want to have blue myself for nothing.

"Look out, J.R.! It's a trap!"

So my ass syphilis is from you? I've been going years without treating it because it's a souvenir. Well, if it's from a monkey, I guess I'll keep it.

A buddy of mine and I used to follow Mitch around when he would play at the clubs in L.A. One night, after his set, my buddy and I were sitting at the bar at the Improv near Bill Maher. Mitch came up and sat between me and Bill. I'm certainly nobody famous, and I had never met Mitch or Bill in my life, but the four

They would if they farted, or were attached to Alfonso Ribero.

When did the AV Club board turn into a tryout for Family Guy?