
The Avengers Theme by Alan Silvestri, Age of Ultron Theme by Danny Elfman, and Can You Dig It? By Brian Tyler are my favorite MCU themes

They’re actually going to recreate this dance routine in Homecoming.

“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.”

Jurassic Park 5: Jurassic World 2: Jurassic Boogaloo

Refusing to follow flight crew instructions is something else altogether. They should be banned from that air carrier.

This literally made me cry. Full disclosure, I've had some beers.

Counterpoint - The Leftovers.

Dammit Coral. It’s all your fault.

Stark Industries invents the Babel Fish?

But She Hulk isn’t stupidly huge like Hulk. She’s big but more Gandalf/Hobbbit big. They could just use perspective camera tricks like Peter Jackson and green body paint. Rip off some scripts from The Good Wife and throw in a few fights and you're done! Save the CGI budget for the villains.

Because Jennifer Lawrence.

I actually like Shannara Chronicles — but, no, there’s just no way. It’s like saying Fast Five is a better movie than Citizen Kane - it’s perfectly acceptable to say you liked Fast Five better, but Citizen Kane is categorically the better movie.

In the comics she spends most of her time green, yeah, because she doesn’t lose control like Bruce does. So she can practice law as a 7' green lady.


Considering I think the first movie is dumb fun, while I think the second is a mysoginistic, jingoistic piece of trash, I, personally, ain’t excited for a third one at all.

Too soon dude