
I have a feeling you’re going to be...

As a research exercise, you might include durable hardcopies of instructions on how to make readers for the various media. Or, if you have limits to how big your time capsule can be, try to encode them sequentially. Meaning that you include sheets of durable silicone with instructions on how to make a punchcard

OMG Snoke is a Na’vi!!!

Vladimir the impaler?

So it’s The Force Awakens model, then.

Something something Beckinsale catsuit something.

He’s still got it!

Still got it.

“He’s still got it!”

I’d rather see her up against Olenna Tryell.

For a long time I thought Jesus Diaz was the worst these sites had to offer. That nobody could beat his combination of horribleness and journalistic laziness. Casey Chan and Asley proved me wrong.

This GIF satisfies. Much more than a modified image of Fry.

Is this from Manimal???

I try to post the occasional funny message on io9... or die trying.

The headlines I have read by Ashley make me feel she looked at Ann Coulter and said “wimp”.

oh heck yah. That site is now nearly unreadable because of it. I have added it to the list of sites I refuse to go to because of how terrible the writers are (not terrible in quality, but genuinely mean and horrible with content that provides no value to me).

He’s gonna dress up as Cyborg for his son’s birthday... or die trying.