
Okay, well at least now I know that all the stress and anxiety waiting for the Morning Spoilers post was for nothing.

There is a certain threshold that movies/tv shows based on comic books have to stay beyond, when it comes to being cheesy. I call it the “Bat Nipples Threshold”

Oh man, for a second there, my mind went to the worst possible choice and I thought he was going to say Bobcat Goldthwait. Thank you Jebus.

Oh god, some enterprising individual needs to do a Stardust comic where he gives one of his bizzare punishments to Drumpf. Make it so!

Maybe they could turn into a Eleven-Zord? Hm, I could see their cool teacher as Alpha, but I’m not sure the lil’ robot was ever as usefull as him.

I’m just going to say this:

Yeah, getting upstaged by your guest star is never a good thing...

“Ranger Things"?

I’d quite like to see Eleven just psychically snapping the arms of any Putty Patrol member...

I have a feeling that the cast and characters of Power Rangers will feel nothing at all like the original and therefore I am claiming the title “POWER STRANGERS” for review purposes.

My prediction for next year is that power rangers movie is going to be a huge flop

Agreed. But more of a Bourne-like rogue agent.

Dear MCU fans: James Gunn is not your GRR Martin.

I can smell his breath.

I also really want to see her and Jorah in a scene. For any reason, anywhere.

What about a really intense staring contest.

Long-story-short: In her meandering merry way, trying to get ‘home’... Arya is out there, in the world, being amongst the people, of all levels. She is literally on ground level, on the ground, begging for alms as she’s blind in the streets. She also has no want of the throne, yet she will be the right one because she

There’s a prom in this movie, right? I can imagine Stark sending him in the limo to pick Zendaya up while Spidey is stuck fighting the Vulture. Seems like the kind of thing Stark would do.

I think that I might already love this movie without even seeing a trailer yet. I just hope Sony doesn’t screw it up somehow.

I mentioned this on another post.