
It’s true. It’s called GSA. Siblings actually need to spend time with each other before the age of six to develop a sexual aversion to their siblings, but separated at birth they don’t have that. it’s also why you never find couples that knew each other since before they were 6 yrs old.

siblings separated at birth develop a natural attraction to each other, when finally reunited in adulthood, that’s quite compelling that they often get married. In a way, I think Leia may even have stronger feelings for Luke than for Han.

“Well I was thinking... maybe we could go to the cosplay ball together.”

it’s a whole dance routine with Paul Rudd. You should watch it on youtube.

“Here, give this to DC”

Whoever in the higher-ups allowed Ayer to turn the Joker into a meth addict still stuck in his teenage angst/Lil Jon phase doing an ace ventura meets Richard Nixon meets American-accent Hans Gruber should be dropped off somewhere in Syria.

it’s a blooper.

So basically you’re saying the DCEU is the CM Punk of the Superhero genre? That basically you can talk tough and how “you’re the best”, put in a subpar effort, get your ass thrashed by the competition before the battle’s barely begun, and then get a whopping pay day for it because everybody in the audience was duped

Successful mediocrity is the perfect way to describe the DCEU.

No, it’s THIGH drama. yum yum!

Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

I see two reasons.

And a JUNGLE ADVENTURE at that. Those are the best kind of Rock movies. I’d run around in a mankini for the privilege.

That... or they’re porn names. Seriously, they sound like porn names.

You’ve clearly never heard of Wrestling:

If they really were 90s then Karen would look like this:

Celebrating the Tomb Raider 20th Anniversary?

I always spared this guy in 1999's Star Wars Episode I: the Phantom menace game on Playstation because he was just a cute blue elephant, but I always made sure to kill the rest of the cantina band. What?! The game basically let you kill ANYONE including the slave children at the quarters, the alien woman who’s son was

Get this! It will follow this guy...