
For anyone that can’t catch the mid-season premiere at EXACTLY the time it premieres, you best stay off twitter, facebook, hell even io9! You already had to wait months for this cliffhanger to resolve so you may as well get the surprise reveal for your troubles and NOT some dumb reaction tweet.

I’m... not sure. You’d have to look at criminal courts which convict african war criminals for their atrocities. I think they are the only examples in the world right now where forced incest and forced pedophilia exist (at gunpoint). Then again, those criminals hardly ever face court.

“The defendant commited sexual abuse of a minor to defend them self from cannibalism, your honour” is NOT a valid defense in any human court of law.

For scientific accuracy, ‘Spider-man: Homecoming’s’ new Mary Jane will be played by:

If you wear that in public you’ll be beaten to death by a pack of fat neckbeards with ponytails

Velvet Ant. There it is in the red zone:

You don’t call a jewish menorah a “standard 8-candle holder,” lest you be the office dick, so you call them christmas sweaters and not holiday sweaters.

Let us celebrate this new arrangement by...

What would be an awesome cliffhanger for the end of Avengers: Infinity War pt 1?


the “a” is for avatar!

At least the cirque du soleil thing is an actual acrobatic performance, but a theme park?! What’ll it have? trees and weird looking plants? yawn!

Personally, I’d rename it “The Hall of Stolen Ideas”

“It’s the most overrated film of the 21st century, dear.”

Best line ever, Deadpool to the Audience: “All dinosaurs feared the T-rex.”

EVERYTHING THEY’VE BUILT... will be torn down with my fucken dance moves, dude, check it out.

Yet each of your articles leaves me feeling oddly violated. Why is that?
