

I get what you’re saying. It’s like with physically handicapped people: they don’t want the pity and for people to feel sorry for them, but to be included as an equal like everybody else. When casting little people or the handicapped in films, they’re always pitied as well, but ask any handicapped or small actor and

I know. I have a shelter dog and I know I’d have my hands full with another one given how big and demanding he is. I want people, especially those that have the disposable income to buy a $200 stuffed toy, to maybe spare a thought that what they need right now isn’t a toy, but to maybe rescue a dog that needs it

Very true! But the problem is that in a present day industry that still sucks at representation, they go ahead and give that role to the only black kid. Why couldnt that role be played by the kid that played Will, and Caleb be the kid that's missing, or be dustin, or be Mike? I just felt the role was here was this kid

And are all the rest of the Marvel Universe actually dead the entire time? Lazy fan theories always go the dead or coma route. Now, which part of your booty will you accept a leather hiding for this most insulting, yet understandably rookie, error?

Sucks that they make the only black character really disagreeable. I bet he dies first in the next season in typical 80s film style.

Yeah, well the world would like China to stop posturing and actually give surrounding nations substantial access to trade routes in the South China Sea.

Are you telling me we have this article bragging about comic stock numbers that's really just the same as comic crash numbers? What a time to be alive...

Domino doesn't even have an S in her name. What a whore!

Things can bear plagues of fleas and still be cute and cuddly!! She probably gets rashes a lot, though.

I hear they were gonna go with She-male. Wonder why they changed it...

As a connoisseur of Juggernaut action figures, this Juggs looks terrible!! The head is oversized and looks like it belongs on a different figure. The body is, by comparison, under-detailed. The legs are so shot that it's like an awkwardly-proportioned Stretch Armsyrong figure or any WWF figure from the 80s. I give it

But Radcliffe got that shit under control. It was only until years later that we found that out about him because it never became that public a problem. Of course these kids will hit the bottle, it's Hollywood. However, that's their choice. They should also know that the moment the media paints them in a dull light is

Gender double standard within the context of politically correct gender-neutral renaming. Geez!

a happily ever after is if Gendry dies, i’m afraid.

and their tag team will be called THE SCARLET-SQUIRREL SEQUENCE!!

I think Squirrel girl’s secret is that her power isn’t just Squirrels, but that her power is she has the ability to manipulate luck.

And this guy will now be known as “-”:

The only page that matters is the one that says...

Oh right. I can understand the confusion. I remember seeing the Funko pop section recently and I was just dumbfounded at what they turn into a pop these days. You have your typical Captain Americas and your Harley Quinns among your Kylo Rens and your Sharknados and Jon Snows, all seeming to fit in in the geeky realm