
“try the grey stuff, Belle. Try the grey stuff. Just one taste. Try the grey stuff. Just a mouthful. Thaaaat’s it, belle. Now sleeeeeeeep shhhhhh sh sh shh.”

Try the grey stuff, it’s delicious poisonous

He is prime punchability on my scale.

This is true! It has a system of internal tubing that, after a shoot, connects to a machine that fills it with cooling fluid. Chadwick Boseman likens the sudden running off fluid down his leg as “peeing my pants”. You’d need it in the Georgia sun where 100+ farenhiet will easilly render a full-body rubber suit,

Is the PendZone controlled by io9 authors or some silly algorithm created by Kinja?

I... am Walt Disney.

On cold nights, you can sometimes hear Andrew Liptak hopping into a cab and telling the driver “io9! and step on it!!”

don’t you mean Torrence’s team portrait?

WIth Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart leaving the franchise, and Ian mckellan getting older, I’m more open to rebooting at this point.

Maybe the Blair Witch is a rogue deadite.

No, no, no. A terrible character is lost in the scramble for his own gratification. He can be destroyed, or locked up. But if you make yourself more than just a just a character, if you devote yourself to an ideal, and if they can’t stop you, then you become something else entirely...

Or even look at Alex Ross’ Captain Marvel (shazam). He has that same squinty, slanty at the corners of the eyes, stubbly defined chin look, with the thick eyebrows that it seems most American men in the 40s-50s looked like. Not to mention the big cocky smile to go with it. No doubt he probably could play the part, but

Gross! I want Lang or Perlman. There are also second tierers I’d rather cast before Kyle “50s poster guy” Chandler. Jon Hamm and Dolph Lundgren, for example.

Not if he’s busy playing Cable in Deadpool number two!

CM Punk pipe bomb trash again!! If this was real there would’ve been swearing. i haven’t seen wrestling since I was a very young lad and the acting has, famously, become horrid in past years. This is clearly a well-rehearsed piece. PS how CM Punk, with his grown-man-with-an-angsty-teen schtick, became popular is

It sure is an easy way to get cancer. And given the poor regulations in those types of countries, lead-infested as well.

Getting all the residual Gawker trash huh, Jalopnik?

Cincinnati Zoo keepers are crossing their fingers right now and wishing “please please please please become a new meme so everyone abandons the Harambe-ning”

That’s probably how much the average american consumes in salted snacks per day.