
Snoke is binks: confirmed by Lucas!

I’m the best at puns, Barnes-none

I can APE-reciate that gif

That gif I Koala-ty

This is Asgard as it gets

Nooo! Not the phage!

Trump LOOKS like he has third degree burns from the amount of tanning booth he does.

The books are a tedious read. I like to read before going to bed, but I’m rarely energetic enough to read before I go to bed. And so many books waiting...

He wasn’t even a thing in 2000. He had a flop film that came out that year and is, otherwise, a one hit wonder with Young Einstein. The guy is a nobody even in Australia. Now, Hugh Jackman. Those are our stars.

Despising Men at Work is a bootable offense!!

Joss Whedon was burned by studio meddling. I doubt he'll openly go to a company that has recently been a blatant meddler to the point of near unanimous lack of fan faith

For real! I love choc chip and raisin oatmeal cookies, but the problem here is that DC doesnt know how to bake them. When you poorly cook choc chip cookies, you still have tasty dough. When you poorly bake oatmeal? You get tough oats that are dry and taste like cardboard. Looks like we’re being served nothing but

Calm your cookie cravings this instant or i will be forced to thrash you!

The hair is looking a little... Thort.

That woman now has rabies.

Oh man! I remember red, white and black!! 12 yr old me couldn’t afford it when it came out, and it was free on the shelf the same week I first got into comics and bought my first comic. The cover was so artsy, and it was next to an issue of an ultimate’s comic with wolverine and cap on the cover. This was memory lane

Its a brutal ep. I saw it without knowing anything about a red wedding and stayed up all night after to read online reactions even though I had work the next day.

The feds wouldn’t look to favourably on a man that spent his life insurance check, which was meant to go to his ahem "family", on a classicly restored, flying ted convertible.

Our local con in Australia had taika waititi one time at his own booth to promote his Indy comedy ‘what we do in the shadows.’ As Indy booths go, they’re not the most popular and are often lacking in patronage. It can be a little undignified to stand there as everyone walks past and so often times those Indy