
Look at you twisting words. Can’t you read, you human excrement? Here, let me re-quote myself for your remedial ass:

Oh fuck the state! My answer was in reference to religion in general.

Atheism has nothing to do with believing in ghosts. Therefore, to believe in a ghost no longer makes you atheist. A ghost would confirm some form of afterlife. Are you really gonna sit at your keyboard, like a warrior, and tell me an atheist can believe in an afterlife and still be atheist?

Go to your local cardinal or whatever and tell them you believe in gay marriage. Do you think they’ll willingly still consider you or anyone else with those views catholic? What about abortion? That should really confirm a person’s Catholicism in their eyes. Remember, the point is a catholic person can believe in that

So you imply it, then deny it?
being a total fucking pile of garbage as a human being is one thing, then to justify it by saying it shows you have "spine?" You truly are unaware of your own self, and how hated you are, trash!

Well, at least it takes my rambling to be hated. You’re already hated down to your self-important guts, down to your filthy fucking bones, for just being... And you dont know it. All because of your pathetic need to tell everyone just how atheist you are. Hated! I fucking hate you! Everyone that you’ve told you’re an

Chaotic Good? Lawful Evil? Bit of both?

Well duh, halfwit! I fucken hate atheists like you that just haaaaave to profess their atheism. Not a good look. You make the rest of us look bad, asshole!

And the extended warranty, bro!! You gotta offer the extended warranty!

yes, but which 90s wrassler is up to a taske of this scale?

They should demolish all of Harlem or Brooklyn and build it there. There are only two places in America synonymous with the basic ass international traveller: Los Angeles and New York, and Anaheim alreadady has a Disneyland. New York needs more disneylands and less "gimme dem shoes, honkey!"

You stay out of the water and away from shore and its quite easy to avoid alligators. Step outside or stay in an unairconditioned room ANYWHERE and it could be Zika for you.

Maybe the options aren’t restrictive for me, but to others? You really are a self important twat, yknow that? “oooh look at me! I’m an atheist. I dont believe in ghosts! Wah wah wah!! Lemme instagram my gym work out and tell everybody in a vegan and do yoga! Durrr I’m so special!" Nobody asked you, stupid!

Dont cry for me, I’m already dead.

Could you... Maybe pick me up some of them deep fried cheeto thingies while your at it? Thanks.

If only, man. If only...

Blah blah blah! A religion bashing atheist. Way to break the stereotype! Shut up! You’re giving the rest of us a bad name.

Nobody cares about you. Keep your shit to yourself.

Only a sith deals in absolute. I’m watching you...

The options are too restrictive!! Wanna believe in gay marriage? You can no longer be catholic. Wanna enjoy bacon for breakfast? You can no longer be muslim. Wanna indulge in capitalism and physical wealth as a personal priority? You can no longer be a true Buddhist. Wanna believe in a ghost? You can no longer be