

Drive Angry, actually. It wishes it was RIPD.

Also the same guy that says "it's a crappy party anyway" when not invited.

It has no crossguard so the sadistic author is probably rubbing her hands and twirling her mustache and looking from side to side as she waits for Valkyrie to stab into something unexpected hard, her fingers slip off the hilt and onto the blade, giving her ver deep palm woulds that blew profusely as she screams in

Vaporeon is nerfed? WATER you doing, Pokemon GO?!

Wrong place to show off how cool you think you are.

But think about it. The trailers have showed us that the Squad are going up against supernatural threats. Going with a skin-conditioned, tooth-sharpening Killer Croc instead of an actual crocodile man would make the contrast between human V monster all the more striking. I know El Diablo has fire powers, but his

Wooooooooow! Did you come up with that all by yourself, Benedict? Come on! The audience aren’t idiots and it is implied by the trailer.


Lies! Everyone knows that’s a lie told by the liberal media! The one true ANH was made in the 90s by George lucas, and then de-mastered before being taken back to 77! Thanks Obama!

don’t you mean Avengers V Squirrel Girl?

Umm... Isnt A New Hope also plagiarism then since the heroes got into a prison using a space craft, confronting Vader and his strange arm, a sidekick dies, and important documents are retrieved in R2 to execute the mission?

It was a dalek, and yeah I know what you mean. I can see the agents of shield sitting in some control room sending out info to the avengers as they fight Thanos' forces.

You walk a thin line. These are products for amateurs. For the non-cookie invested. Anyone with a true cookie understanding will pick up a bag of regulars. These? These are for the cookie tourist. The ones that are merely visiting cookietopia without fully committing. Nobody who says "I want a cookie" would ever be

Two marthas!

I haven’t met every other io9 commenter in tea life. Hell, I havent met one of these commemters in real life. Just because they’re all superheroes doesnt mean they all have to shop at the same wholefoods! They can all exist in the same universe without crossover. That just makes the world seem way smaller than it is

Enchantress and Joker are the baddies with enchantress-y minions. I dunno.

The sad thing is you could even say “where was Obama when Godzilla attacked?” At a republics convention, and you'd still have half-wit trump supporters booing it and then starting a "trump" or "usa" chant.

But isnt that just regular Reagan?

But that breaks, pardon the pun, the sanctity of the cookie!! If it's too big, get another glass or bite it and sip some milk!! There's a reason we haven't degenerated into beings that buy bags of crumbled up cookie bits for dumping into our milk and eating it like a soup. Respect the cookie!