
Recently, everyone has been thinking that Elon Musk popularised the Life is just a video game theory, but this show brought the concept to mainstream audiences first!! We ARE progressively making games less and less distinguishable from reality so it's only a matter of time.

Any theories as to what a Plumbus COULD be used for?

Whereas Benjen is fully sentient with free will, Mountain isn’t. I don’t think it has anything to do with White Walker magic, but I wouldn’t kick the theory out the window so quickly.


“Bro, the Eevee is gone.”

“Welp,... it’s back to the scrapyard for me.”

Of course, when the cloaks are commercially available...

After your failure to make pokemon seem unpopular last week here you are, throwing stones at people. I just think you missed and are trying to put up the same “rebel” attitude to make up for your lack of accuracy. You called me insane for backing my response up with photos and data charts and you are still the

I vote for BROCK OBAMA!

It’s funny because the previous generation were the pot smoking, free loving hippie trash that drove safety-inspection failing muscle cars and intro’d the rebellious youth movement to the mainstream! Now people are playing Pokemon GO and their hypocrisy knows no bounds!!

fucken old people!

They can’t really drive off with all the other cars there. WHat are people gonna steal? The car stereo? This isn’t 80s New York anymore.

seconds. minutes. the rarer the shorter, I suppose. And with that small window you get people panicked, rushing, crowding all trying to get the same thing.


“Wait til you see our light saber utensils!!”

Goku loves muffin!


I want some The Thing creature minis!!