Speaking of the wrong people:
Speaking of the wrong people:
The players are in the impulse phase of the app. As they collect more and get closer to reaching their goal they’ll slow down quite a bit. We need to go through that first in order to have the app and the peace later. Having a cake and eating it too. I downloaded it on sunday and went out for 4 hours and hatched 2…
At the rate they’re putting out their server fires you may as well get comfy with your 200th magikarp so you can evolve it to a gyarados before you expect niantic to be comfortable with launching legendary pokemon events.
Pssst! The biggest secret of Pokemon Go is that you know all those “nocturnal” pokemon? You can catch them during the day!
My childhood bedroom window faced the back of my property where the other side was a family that always barbecued and partied. I think the pumping bass and muffled laughs and “ayyyye”s is easy to sleep through. Quit whining and being such a soft-shelled crab! If you whine all the time you’re not fit enough for…
that’s my worry as well. EA tried withat dungeon game a while back. Marvel’s focusing very heavily towards providing more characters for their mobile game than any console/pc marvel game, besides lego avengers, and the success of strategy games like global strike and clash of clans is something for game developers to…
The funny part? Pokemon GO daily usage is about or more than the daily usage of twitter in the past days. That’s insane!!
THIS is Pokemon GO:
“it fine, brabley”
Don’t forget the post-poop wipings!
Did somebody say Lord Baelish?
What about Lance Armstrong’s super-doped blood?
Do you have a butthole? Now you know...
Who’s name is Brock?
Nobody wants to be known as a yellow belly so they choose either blue or red.