This reminds me how in Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones on the Wii you had to constantly swing the Wii remote in order to attack. My right arm was going legit numb after a day.
This reminds me how in Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones on the Wii you had to constantly swing the Wii remote in order to attack. My right arm was going legit numb after a day.
This reminds me of the Metroid Prime Trilogy which received only one print run and was never re-released in its original physical Wii edition. Sure we got a Wii U digital download eventually, but still. Perhaps they always intended this to be a special release to begin with since the US version got a steelcase by…
I’ve never played Tekken myself, but I know the Tekken 3 opening as well as the Tekken Tag Tournament opening from Namco X Capcom.
Spoilers for Arkham Knight coming up:
Raid really is a great track. The Namco X Capcom version gives it the orchestral treatment (while the PC engine version already sounds like an orchestra, by that I mean it uses non-chiptune instruments), and while the 2014 version feels more like an OC remix (as in, it uses different instruments and a different…
For more background information about Japanese gaming bars, see the video by Super Bunnyhop:
It’s been five years since their last game, though. I’ve been burned by developers I previously trusted in blind faith before, so I’ll not give them a free pass until I see some gameplay footage.
After the lukewarm impressions of Marvel’s Avengers so far, I’m concerned that this will also suffer from being a comic universe crossover game that falls flat.
I’ll take any Splinter Cell over nothing. And hey, there can be good anime with a serious tone. While this really shows my age more than anything, Death Note was an alright serious drama show that had one supernatural element, but otherwise kept it believable with all their characters.
I haven’t seen such a blunder in a Nintendo game since Other M. Thankfully they can patch it via an online patch this time around.
No kidding, this message shows up ten times here in the comments. I still see a double post once in a while, but this had to be either intentional, or the biggest screw-up of Kinja yet.
I won the Final Fantasy IX strategy guide as part of a gaming magazine raffle prize - it was the no.1 prize too. I never felt so lucky in my life!
You have to see things in perspective. Back in 2007 when Crysis was released, there weren’t many games out there with levels of that scale, as well as offering different playstyles (stealth, guns blazing, hit and run tactics, using vehicles etc.). It was like Resident Evil 4 and the first time you step into the…
Making jokes like that is against the ToS.
The distribution rights are different per country. Unless the movie company that produced/distributes a movie in the US has a subsidiary in another country (which it licenses the movie to), it sells the rights to another company.
The Western market (US, Western Europe, Australia) is usually covered by the same…
Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 is getting a PC release? I thought it would remain on consoles forever. I might give it a try.
I have a soft spot for Brotherhood. The challenges you can do for each mission forces you to master the game. They also increase the replay value.
If memory serves right, Uncharted 4 was also supposed to be more gritty, but then Amy Hennig left and the developers realized that they went too far with their inevitable “let’s do a decosntruction/more desperate story because we’re done doing the same thing over and over again” phase.
I dunno, this feels more like a seventh-gen game (360/PS3). While the PS2 could run it in theory, barely any developer added that fidelity to the hair and other background objects on a PS2 game.
I’ve been around since 2009. I’ve seen the introduction of Kinja, and I’ve now seen two rounds of new editors joining the ranks.