Belichick is playing chess, everyone else is playing checkers.
Belichick is playing chess, everyone else is playing checkers.
“Car repossessions are major bummers, and they happen all too often in a climate where auto dealerships prey on the financially vulnerable.”
Growing up in NEO, I agree with all of this. The Indians could win the next ten World Series and it wouldn’t matter as much as one Browns Super Bowl win.
I hate this team and I hate myself even more for continually supporting this team. Every fucking year I hear other dumb ass Browns fans go “THIS YEAR IS GONNA BE DIFFERENT” and it never is. The Indians just wrapped up another division title (yes, I know, the AL Central sucks ass, I don’t care) and Lebron lead the…
Lesson for kids here:
The first Thor is mostly a fish-out-of-water comedy. My first thought was of Hemsworth appreciatively smashing his coffee mug and demanding another.
If you had told me after the first Thor that Chris Hemsworth would end up anchoring a massive crossover superhero movie with his comedic timing and emotional range, I would have been...skeptical. But he was almost the MVP of Infinity War. I was stunned, even after enjoying the hell out of Ragnarok.
They removed the discount on any non-standard editions a couple of months ago. This is the second time they’ve downgraded the program, not the first.
They removed the discount on any non-standard editions a couple of months ago. This is the second time they’ve…
This is also the point where if you grow tomatoes you go from “wow! ripe tomatoes!” to “oh god... more ripe tomatoes?” and pass them off on friends
My wife and I have an abiding belief that every person on the planet should be made to work at least one year in the service industry, be that retail, food service, customer support, or what have you.
The idea behind this belief is that while having walked a mile in the company shirt won’t stop everyone from shitting…
Why can’t people be polite to each others? These people are doing their best, giving them snide comments won’t make their work any better, it might infact make it worse.
200 hours? Well I am a close friend with Skyrim at very least.
Or you can contact your elected officials and demand proper and equitable funding for schools...remember that old bumper sticker? I guess the new version should be " i'd like to see the military have to depend on crowd funding and amazon donations to buy its next fighter jet"
Or you can contact your elected officials and demand proper and equitable funding for schools...remember that old…
Am I the only one that finds sharing my exact location at all times EXTREMELY creepy? I don’t want people to know where I am! Even if it’s people I know, like, and trust. People don’t always need to know where you are.
Nope nope nope nope. On a similar note, now I get to share the silly thing that happened to me the other day that actually relates to this.
I know I’m going to catch a lot of shit for this, but Jesus fucking Christ, people, leave your fucking pets at home! Do you have the mental state of a 6-year-old, who can’t let go of their blanky? Grow the fuck up. Enjoy your pets when you’re at home, and leave them there when you go out. It’s your pet, not the…
You can get a better signal meter by using one of the tools mentioned in tip 8. I use inSSIDer ( which has a Mac and Windows version, but the two they listed are also good. You not only see the strength of your signal, but you see the strength of all of the other networks…