Yeah I noticed that too and even emailed them to see why. They didn’t really have an answer other than those editions are excluded.
Yeah I noticed that too and even emailed them to see why. They didn’t really have an answer other than those…
Yeah I noticed that too and even emailed them to see why. They didn’t really have an answer other than those editions are excluded.
Yeah I noticed that too and even emailed them to see why. They didn’t really have an answer other than those…
I disabled it on my Pixel 2.
I have had more weird shit go sideways on my VW than the other two cars I owned. Every piece of paneling in it rattles and the windows are quirky. Electronic windows have been around forever and they still can’t get it right. Reliability matters. This might be the only VW I ever own.
I prefer Daylight savings. I want standard time to disappear. I don’t care if it’s light out at 6 AM. I want more light when I get home from work.
I would buy local but they don’t carry what I want. Plus I don’t have to deal with morons, screaming babies and flu season when I shop on amazon.
No slow down on mine. I hope they fix this.
It killed my Nexus 5x battery life too.
It’s so ugly. I never wanted to roll back my device more than with the Oreo update. It also killed my battery. I seem to be burning through it much faster. I barely have any apps installed so I don’t think it’s a rogue app. I really liked my nexus 5 and 5x. Looks like I’m gonna have to bite the bullet and get a Pixel…
Yankee tears are delicious. Was at the game last night and the win was the best.
I just got my first keyboard last month. I love it.
I would so be down for some fallout keycaps.
Lipton is the worst yet everyone carries it.
Shoes for sure.
Bernie was an independent who jumped to Democratic party just so he could run for President with some hopes of winning something.
Costco brand all the way!
Costco brand all the way!
People are promoted to their highest level of incompetence.
These people under siege are also in their 80s. Somehow this makes the 6AM hammering even worse.
I would sew that and then rock the shit outta it. It’s super cute.
Oh he’ll be on the Supreme Court. lol
The arrears go to mom up to the point she lost the children. Grandparents would have current support plus any arrears he accrued when they had custody.