
They are so amazing. Although I don't think they are supposed to be so cooked on the inside.

I always wanted Miss Scarlet's dress.

I dislike Christmas more and more every year and retailers are the primary reason why. The local radio station played an ad this morning saying they will be the "Christmas station" again this year along with Trans Siberian Orchestra tickets being for sale. Why are you airing this in September? Go home Santa. You

I need the pseudoephedrine. The regular allergy meds do nothing for me. We're limited in Ohio to a 30 count box but they won't sell you both boxes at once. You can only buy 15 days at a time without a script. The meth heads have moved onto something now anyways so this law was stupid.

Not to mention the hell Congress created when trying to combat the meth epidemic. Us poor allergy suffers cannot buy the D formula in bulk to save money. There is only one type available via prescription and they are often out of stock in the pharmacy due to demand. I had my doctor write me a script so I can buy more

Silver fox.

Peach, pineapple, cherry, green apple and pear are all delightful with just club soda.

Can't stop laughing.

Enhance your calm. lol

What's the third shell for?

HAHAHAHA! When does anything get cheaper when they make it "New and Improved"?

I have a fancy mixer attachment I use to make soap.

That stuff is a god send. I wish I discovered it in high school. I'm always cold yet still armpits would sweat. Just make sure that stuff is dry before you put on a shirt. It bleaches color out of clothing.

I've always bought men's razors. No clue if they are cheaper. I like the way they shave better and they don't have all those moisturizing boxes surrounding the blades (also not pink). I did a happy dance when Costco had a HUGE package of my razors as I was set for quite a while.

The State Dept has so many weird restrictions on how the photo is supposed to be, the average citizens isn't going to mess around with taking their own photo.

The gas is worth it. Sometimes it's 30 cents less than everywhere else.

Our Costco is not that busy on week days/nights. The weekends are absolute hell.

I also buy the other ones for tampon times. That's the one they keep messing with. You can tell they keep messing with the materials.

I wish they'd stop messing with the design. I found some old ones I never used and they have certainly changed them in the last 5 or 6 years.

All the more reason we need a constitutional amendment that says corporations are not people.